Article body

Relations du travail / Labour Relations

Family-Friendly Practices and Worker Representation in Germany, John S. Heywood and Uwe Jirjahan, Industrial Relations, 48 (1), January 2009, 121–145.

Unions and Profits: A Meta-Regression Analysis, Hristos Doucouliagos and Patrice Laroche, Industrial Relations, 48 (1), January 2009, 146–184.

Employees' Desire to Join or Leave a Union: Evidence from Poland, Piotr Zientara and Grzegorz Kuczynski, Industrial Relations, 48 (1), January 2009, 185–192.

Better the Devil you Know? An Analysis of Employers' Bargaining Preferences in the Australian Hotel Industry, Angela Knox, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (1), February 2009, 25–44.

Australian Workplace Agreements in Universities, Kristin Van Barneveld, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (1), February 2009, 59–74.

Indian Call Centres and Business Process Outsourcing: A Study in Union Formation, Phil Taylor, Premilla D'Cruz, Ernesto Noronha and Dora Scholarios, New Technology, Work and Employment, 24 (1), March 2009, 19–42.

Special Issue: Non-Union Forms of Employee Representation in the Asia Pacific Rim, Guest Editor: Greg Patmore, Economic and Industrial Democracry, 30 (1), February 2009, 5–151. Intended or Unintended Consequences? A Critical Reappraisal of the Safety First Movement and its Non-Union Safety Committees, Lucy Taksa; The Role of the State in the Diffusion of Industrial Democracy: South Australia, 1972–9, Raymond Markey and Greg Patmore; The Development of Alternative Voice Mechanisms in Australia: The Case of Joint Consultation, Peter Holland, Amanda Pyman, Brian K. Cooper and Julian Teicher; “Trojan Horse” or “Vehicle for Organizing”? Non-Union Collective Agreement Making and Trade Unions in Australia, Rae Cooper and Chris Briggs; Employees' Perspectives on Non-Union Representation: A Comparison with Unions, Dong-One Kim.

The Establishment of Enterprise Works Councils: Process and Problems, Mike Rigby, Sylvie Contrepois and Fiona O'Brien Smith, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 15 (1), March 2009, 71–90.

Job Satisfaction, Union Membership and Collective Bargaining, Carlos Garcia-Serrano, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 15 (1), March 2009, 91–112.

Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations

Unions without Borders: Recent Developments in the Theory, Practice and Law of Transnational Unionsm, Alan Hyde and Mona Ressaissi, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 14 (3), 2008, 271–326.

Unmet Demand for Union Membership in Australia, Amanda Pyman, Julian Teicher, Brian Cooper and Peter Holland, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (1), February 2009, 5–24.

Diversity in Trade Union Membership: A Typology Based on the Study of a Spanish Trade Union, Ramon Alos, Pere Jodar, Joel Marti, Antonio Martin Artiles and Luis Ortiz, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (2), March 2009, 100–121.

Financial Reporting and Disclosure Requirements for Trade Unions: A Comparison of UK and US Public Policy, John Lund, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (2), March 2009, 122–139.

Urban Labour, Voice and Legitimacy: Economic Development and the Emergence of Community Unionism, Graham Synon and Jonathan Crawshaw, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (2), March 2009, 140–155.

Organising Campaigns as “Revitaliser” for Trade Unions? The Example of the Lidl Campaign, Katarzyna Gajewska and Johanna Niesyto, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (2), March 2009, 156–171.

Transforming a Trade Union? An Assessment of the Introduction of an Organizing Initiative, Jeremy Waddington and Allan Kerr, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 47 (1), March 2009, 27–54.

Trade Unions and Work-life Balance: Changing Times in France and the UK? Abigail Gregory and Susan Milner, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 47 (1), March 2009, 122–146.

The Complexity of Relocation and the Diversity of Trade Union Responses: Efficiency-oriented Foreign Direct Investment in Central Europe, Guglielmo Meardi, Paul Marginson, Michael Fichter, Marcin Frybes, Miroslav Stanojevic and Andras Toth, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 15 (1), March 2009, 27–48.

Droit du travail / Labour Law

Le droit de la durée du travail, fin d'une époque, Françoise Favennec-Héry, Droit social, 3, mars 2009, 251–256.

Special Issue: Labor Law in the Eastern Mediterranean, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 30 (2), Winter 2009, 143–312. A) Labor Law Systems: General Characteristics of the Greek Labor Law, Ioannis D. Koukiadis; The Israeli System of Labor Law: Sources and Form, Guy Mundlak; General Framework and Historical Development of Labor Law in Turkey, Melda Sur. B) Employment Discrimination: Prohibition of Discrimination: Law and Law Cases, Viktoria S. Douka; The Law of Equal Opportunities in Employment: Between Equality and Polarization, Guy Mundlak; Anti-Discrimination Rules and Policies in Turkey, Nurhan Süral. C) Wrongful Dismissal and Managerial Prerogative: The Managerial Prerogative and the Right and Duty to Collective Bargaining in Greece, Kostas D. Papadimitriou; Unbound: Some Comments on Israel's Judicially-Developed Labor Law, Guy Davidov.

Special Issue: Labor Law Developments in China, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 30 (2), Winter 2009, 273–462. Mesuring Progress Under China's Labor Law: Goals, Processes, Outcomes, Hilary K. Josephs; The New Chinese Employment Law, Wolfgang Däubler and Qian Wang; China's New Labor Dispute Resolution Law: A Catalyst for the Establishment of a Harmonious Labor Relationship?, Yan Zhao; The Emergence of Temporary Staffing Agencies in China, Feng Xu.

Variations autour de la justification des atteintes au principe « à travail égal, salaire égal », Christophe Radé, Droit social, 4, avril 2009, 399–409.

Laisser sa chance à l'intelligence collective dans l'entreprise, Mathilde Caron et Pierre-Yves Verkindt, Droit social, 4, avril 2009, 425–435.

La représentativité des organisations patronales, Lucien Flament, Droit social, 4, avril 2009, 436–444.

Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations

Why Do Employers Give Discretion? Family versus Performance Concerns, Jaime Ortega, Industrial Relations, 48 (1), January 2009, 1–26.

Flexible Daily Work Schedules in U.S. Jobs: Formal Introductions Needed? Lonnie Golden, Industrial Relations, 48 (1), January 2009, 27–54.

Temporary Employment and Strategic Staffing in the Manufacturing Sector, Matt Vidal and Leann M. Tigges, Industrial Relations, 48 (1), January 2009, 55–72.

Job Disamenities, Job Satisfaction, Quit Intentions, and Actual Separations: Putting the Pieces Together, Petri Böckerman and Pekka Ilmakunnas, Industrial Relations, 48 (1), January 2009, 73–96.

Articulation Work Skills and the Recognition of Call Centre Competences in Australia, Ian Hampson, Anne Junor and Alison Barnes, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (1), February 2009, 45–58.

German Employers' Inputs to Employee Skills Development, Richard Croucher and Michael Brookes, Industrial Relations, 48 (2), April 2009, 231–236.

Performance Measure Properties and Incentive System Design, Michael J. Gibbs, Kenneth A. Merchant, Wim A. Van Der Stede, and Mark E. Vargus, Industrial Relations, 48 (2), April 2009, 237–264.

Product Market Competition and Human Resource Practices in the Retail Food Sector, Elizabeth Davis, Matthew Freedman, Julia Lane, Brian McCall, Nicole Nestoriak, and Timothy Park, Industrial Relations, 48 (2), April 2009, 350–371.

Accompaniment, Workplace Representation and Disciplinary Outcomes in British Work-places – Just a Formality?, Valerie Antcliff and Richard Saundry, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 47 (1), March 2009, 100–121.

Working Time Mismatch and Subjective Well-being, Mark Wooden, Diana Warren and Robert Drago, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 47 (1), March 2009, 147–179.

Gérer le changement au sein d'une main-d'oeuvre professionnelle : le cas d'un centre hospitalier, Stéphanie Gagnon, Gestion, 34 (1), printemps 2009, 20–26.

Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work

Searching for Injustice and Finding Solidarity? A Contribution to the Mobilisation Theory Debate, Maurizio Atzeni, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (1), January 2009, 5–16.

Partnership Structures and Agendas and Managers' Assessments of Stakeholder Outcomes, John O'Dowd and William K. Roche, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (1), January 2009, 17–39.

Employment Relations, Cost Minimisation and Inter-Organisational Contracting, Steve Vincent and Irena Grugulis, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (1), January 2009, 40–59.

Controlling Offshore Knowledge Workers: Power and Agency in India's Software Outsourcing Industry, Carol Upadhya, New Technology, Work and Employment, 24 (1), March 2009, 2–18.

To Infinity and Beyond? Workspace and the Multi-Location Worker, Donald Hislop and Caroline Axtell, New Technology, Work and Employment, (24) 1, March 2009, 60–75.

One Store, Two Employment Systems: Core, Periphery and Flexibility in China's Retail Sector, Jos Gamble and Qihai Huang, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 47 (1), March 2009, 1–26.

Why Has Irish Social Partnership Survived?, Paul Teague and Jimmy Donaghey, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 47 (1), March 2009, 55–78.

Career Plans and Aspirations of Recent Black and Minority Ethnic Business Graduates, Gill Kirton, Work, Employment and Society, 23 (1), March 2009, 12–29.

Lack of Sleep, Work and the Long Hours Culture: Evidence from the UK Time Use Survey, Stella Chatzitheochari and Sara Arber, Work, Employment and Society, 23 (1), March 2009, 30–48.

Stuck in the Middle with Who? The Class Identity of Knowledge Workers, Abigail Marks and Chris Baldry, Work, Employment and Society, 23 (1), March 2009, 49–65.

Social Reproduction as Unregulated Work, Siobhan McGrath and James DeFilippis, Work, Employment and Society, 23 (1), March 2009, 66–83.

Les Français et le travail : une relation singulière, Lucie Davoine et Dominique Méda, Futuribles, 351, avril 2009, 5–28.

Crise de la cohésion sociale : éléments de diagnostic, Pierre-Yves Cusset, Droit social, 5, mai 2009, 518–527.

Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security

Still Searching for the Evidence? Evidence-based Policy, Performance Pay and Teachers, Catherine Farrell and Jonathan Morris, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (1), February 2009, 75–94.

On-the-Job Training in Canada: Associations with Information Technology, Innovation and Competition, Isik U. Zeytinoglu and Gordon B. Cooke, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (1), February 2009, 95–112.

The Role of Training and Skills Development in Active Labour Market Policies, Nigel Meager, International Journal of Training and Development, 13 (1), March 2009, 1–18.

Economic Incentives, Business Cycles and Long-Term Sickness Absence, Morten Nordberg and Knut Roed, Industrial Relations, 48 (2), April 2009, 203–230.

Overskilling, Job Insecurity, and Career Mobility, Seamus McGuinness and Mark Wooden, Industrial Relations, 48 (2), April 2009, 265–286.

Identifying Minimum Wage Effects: New Evidence from Monthly CPS Data, Joseph J. Sabia, Industrial Relations, 48 (2), April 2009, 311–328.

Varieties of Undeclared Work in European Societies, Birgit Pfau-Effinger, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 47 (1), March 2009, 79–99.

Scolarité des immigrants et compétences professionnelles requises, Diane Galarneau et René Morissette, L'emploi et le revenu en perspective, 21 (1), printemps 2009, 5–20.

Âge et gains, May Luong et Benoît-Paul Hébert, L'emploi et le revenu en perspective, 21 (1), printemps 2009, 21–28.

Tendances de l'emploi manufacturier, André Bernard, L'emploi et le revenu en perspective, 21 (1), printemps 2009, 29–38.

Le marché du travail en 2008, Jeannine Usalcas, L'emploi et le revenu en perspective, 21 (1), printemps 2009, 49–55.

Immigrants' Education and Required Job Skills, Diane Galarneau and René Morissette, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 21 (1), Spring 2009, 5–18.

Age and Earnings, May Luong and Benoît-Paul Hébert, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 21 (1), Spring 2009, 19–26.

Trends in Manufacturing Employment, André Bernard, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 21 (1), Spring 2009, 27–36.

The Labour Market in 2008, Jeannine Usalcas, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 21 (1), Spring 2009, 47–52.

The Effect of a Longer Eligibility to a Labour Market Programme for Dismissed Workers, Adriano Paggiaro, Enrico Rettore, Ugo Trivellato, Labour, 23 (1), March 2009, 37–66.

Immigration Policy, Equilibrium Unemployment, and Underinvestment in Human Capital, Christian Lumpe and Benjamin Weigert, Labour, 23 (1), 97–130.

Special Issue: Labour, 23, 2009, 1–221. Guest Editorial. Training and Job Insecurity – Introduction, Antje Mertens, Wiemer Salverda and Thomas Zwick; Low-wage Employment and the Role of Education and On-the-job Training, Maite Blazquez Cuesta and Wiemer Salverdar; Training and Low-pay Mobility: The Case of the UK and the Netherlands, Dimitris Pavlopoulos, Ruud Muffels and Jeroen K. Vermunt; Why Do Part-time Workers Invest Less in Human Capital than Full-timers? Annemarie Nelen and Andries de Grip; The Effect of Early Retirement Incentives on the Training Participation of Older Workers, Didier Fouarge and Trudie Schils; PISA and the Transaction into the Labour Market, Kathrin Bertschy, M. Alejandra Cattaneo and Stefan C. Wolter; Training, Job Satisfaction, and Workplace Performance in Britain: Evidence from WERS 2004, Melanie K. Jones, Richard J. Jones, Paul L. Latreille and Peter J. Sloane; Workers' Perceptions of Job Insecurity: Do Job Security Guarantees Work? Alex Bryson, Lorenzo Cappellari and Claudio Lucifora; Changing Returns to Education During a Boom? The Case of Ireland, Seamus McGuinness and Frances McGinnity.

Numéro spécial : Travailleurs pauvres, RSA, Droit social, 3, mars 2009, 292–319. Travailleurs pauvres : de quoi parle-t-on ?, Julien Damon; La construction du RSA, Jean-Benoît Dujol et Étienne Grass; L'inclassable RSA, Laurent Cytermann; RSA : en avant vers le passé, Jacques Rigaudiat.

Équité au travail / Equity at Work

The Employment Disadvantage of Mothers: Evidence for Systemic Discrimination, Tanya Carney, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (1), February 2009, 113–130.

Worker Adaptation and the Desire for Accom-modations after the Onset of a Disability, Michele Campolieti, Industrial Relations, 48 (2), April 2009, 329–349.

L'égalité professionnelle entre les hommes et les femmes est-elle soluble dans la diversité ?, Jacqueline Laufer, Travail, genre et sociétés, 21, avril 2009, 29–54.

La gestion des minorités discréditables : le cas de l'orientation sexuelle, Christophe Falcoz et Audrey Bécuwe, Travail, genre et sociétés, 21, avril 2009, 69–90.

Égalité, diversité et… discriminations multiples, Marie-Thérèse Lanquetin, Travail, genre et sociétés, 21, avril 2009, 91–106.

Études comparatives et mondialisation / Comparative Studies and Globalization

Financial Reporting and Disclosure Requirements for Trade Unions: A Comparison of UK and US Public Policy, John Lund, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (2), March 2009, 122–139.

Enabling “Managed Activism”: The Adoption of Call Centres in Australian, Bristish and US Trade Unions, John Lund and Christopher Wright, New Technology, Work and Employment, 24 (1), March 2009, 43–59.

Trade Unions and Work-life Balance: Changing Times in France and the UK? Abigail Gregory and Susan Milner, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 47 (1), March 2009, 122–146.

A Race to the Bottom? Trade Unions, EU Enlargement and the Free Movement of Labour, Torben Krings, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 15 (1), March 2009, 49–70.

The Establishment of Enterprise Works Councils: Process and Problems, Mike Rigby, Sylvie Contrepois and Fiona O'Brien Smith, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 15 (1), March 2009, 71–90.

Généralités / General

Policies and Politics in Social Pacts in Europe, Anke Hassel, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 15 (1), March 2009, 7–26.

The Complexity of Relocation and the Diversity of Trade Union Responses: Efficiency-oriented Foreign Direct Investment in Central Europe, Guglielmo Meardi, Paul Marginson, Michael Fichter, Marcin Frybes, Miroslav Stanojevic and Andras Toth, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 15 (1), March 2009, 27–48.

Numéro spécial : Les modèles sociaux européens face au défi de l'emploi. Allemagne, France, Royaume-Uni, Suède, La revue de l'IRES, 58 (3), 2008, 3–198. Avant-propos, Michel Husson ; Performance d'emploi : macroéconomie et marchés du travail, Michel Husson ; Retour sur les réformes du marché du travail en Allemagne, Odile Chagny ; Le marché du travail britannique : mythe et réalité du modèle néo-libéral, Iain Begg et Florence Lefresne ; La Suède à la recherche de son modèle social, Iain Begg ; Diagnostics et réformes en France, Jackey Fayolle.