Article body

Relations du travail / Labour Relations

Liberalisation and Privatisation of Public Services and Strategic Options for European Trade Unions, Thorsten Schulten, Torsten Brandt and Christoph Hermann, Transfer, 14 (2), 2008, 295–312.

Teachers’ Unions and the Transformation of Employment Relations in Public Education in Portugal, Alan Stoleroff and Irina Pereira, Transfer, 14 (2), 2008, 313–332.

New Contractual Relationships in the Agency Worker Market: The Case of the UK’s National Health Service, Kim Hoque, Ian Kirkpatrick, Alex de Ruyter and Chris Lonsdale, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2008, 389–412.

Trade Unions and Democracy in South Africa: Union Organizational Challenges and Solidarities in a Time of Transformation, Sakhela Buhlungu, Mick Brookes and Geoffrey Wood, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2008, 439–468.

The Neoliberal State, Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining in Australia, Rae Cooper and Bradon Ellem, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2008, 532–554.

Turkish Labour Confederations and Turkey’s Membership of the European Union, Engin Yildirim, Suayyip Calis and Abdurrahman Benli, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 29 (3), 2008, 362–387.

Variable Pay and Collective Bargaining: A Cross-National Comparison of the Banking Sector, Franz Traxler, Jim Arrowsmith, Kristine Nergaard and Joaquim M. Molins Lopez-Rodo, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 29 (3), 2008, 406–430.

A New Frontier for Labor: Collective Action by Worker Owners, Hoyt N. Wheeler, Labor Studies Journal, 33 (2), 2008, 163–178.

La consultation tripartite en Chine : premier pas vers le négociation collective ? Jie Shen et John Benson, Revue internationale du Travail, 147 (2–3), 2008, 253–270.

The Resolution of Collective Labour Disputes in Serbia, Dejan Kostic, South East Europe Review, 11 (1), 2008, 111–120.

European Works Councils as Risk Communities: The Case of General Motors, Thomas Fetzer, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (3), 2008, 289–308.

National Industrial Relations and Local Bargaining Power in the US and German Telecommunications Industries, Virginia Doellgast, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (3), 2008, 265–288.

Symposium: Regulating and Resolving Collective Disputes in Public Services, Journal of Industrial Relations, 50 (4), 2008, 539–646. Public Service Dispute Management – Pertinence of Comparative Study, Linda Dickens and Lorenzo Bordogna; Regulating and Resolving Public Sector Disputes in Canada, Joseph R. Rose; Collective Dispute Resolution in the Public Sector: The Nordic Countries Compared, Torgeir Aarvaag Stokke and Asmund Arup Seip; Management of Disputes in the Public Service in Southern Africa, Tayo Fashoyin; Dispute Regulation in Essential Public Services in Italy: Strenghts and Weaknesses of a “Pluralist Approach”, Lorenzo Bordogna; Dispute Resolution and the Modernization of the Public Services in Britain: The Case of the Local Government Pay Commission, Ian Kessler and Linda Dickens; Retrospect and Prospects for Collective Regulation in the Australian Public Service, John O’Brien and Michael O’Donnell.

Do Unions Benefit from Working in Partnership with Employers? Evidence from Ireland, John Geary, Industrial Relations, 47 (4), 2008, 530–568.

Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations

Reorganizing Higher Education in the United States and Canada: The Erosion of Tenure and the Unionization fo Contingent Faculty, David Dobbie and Ian Robinson, Labor Studies Journal, 33 (2), 2008, 117–140.

Labor Education in the Time of Dismay, Roland Zullo and Alice Gates, Labor Studies Journal, 33 (2), 2008, 179–202.

Engagement syndical et formes de socialisation à la politique : approche de la relation à la CGT-FO par une étude de cas, Karel Yon, Les Mondes du Travail, 6, septembre 2008, 63–76.

Symposium: Author Meets Critics – Stephen Lopez’s Reorganizing the Rustbelt, Labor Studies Journal, 33 (3), september 2008, 229–261. The Contributions of Reorganizing the Rust Belt to Social Movement Scholarship, Elizabeth A. Armstrong; What Explains Unorganized Workers’ Growing Demand for Unions? Ian Robinson; The Limits of “the Lived” and “the Local”: Notes on Reorganizing the Rust Belt, Rick Fantasia; Recasting Labor Studies in the Twenty-First Century, Edward Webster; Reconsidering the Rust Belt: A Response, Steve Lopez.

Union Solidarity under Stress: The Case of the National Union of Mineworkers in South Africa, Sakhela Buhlungu and Andries Bezuidenhout, Labor Studies Journal, 33 (3), 2008, 262–287.

Droit du travail / Labour Law

Collective Bargaining After WorkChoices: Will “Good Faith” Take Us Forward With Fairness?, Aaron Rathmell, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 21 (2), 2008, 164–199.

Droit du travail et religion, François Gaudu, Droit Social, 9/10, 2008, 959–968.

La religion du salarié, Claire Brisseau, Droit Social, 9/10, 2008, 969–980.

Le principe d’égalité de traitement, nouveau principe fondamental du droit du travail, Christophe Radé, Droit Social, 9/10, 2008, 981–985.

La protection constitutionnelle du droit à la négociation collective et le réaménagement du régime légal de représentation collective dans le secteur des affaires sociales du Québec : C.S.N. c. Procureur général du Québec, Pierre Verge, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 14 (1), 2008, 99–110.

Harry and the Steelworker: Teaching Labour Law to Non-Lawyers, David J. Doorey, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 14 (1), 2008, 51–72.

The “Complexification” of Labour Law and Its Teaching, Stephanie Bernstein, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 14 (1), 2008, 73–82.

Teaching Canadian Labour and Employment Law in the Globalized New Economy: Ruminations of an Aging Neophyte, Bruce P. Archibald, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 14 (1), 2008, 83–98.

Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations

The Relationship between Perceived Training Opportunities, Work Motivation and Employee Outcomes, Anders Dysvik and Bard Kuvaas, International Journal of Training and Development, 12 (3), 2008, 138–157.

Leader Influences on Training Effectiveness: Motivation and Outcome Ex- pectation Processes, Anne Scaduto, Douglas Lindsay and Dan S. Chiaburu, International Journal of Training and Development, 12 (3), 2008, 158–170.

All In a Day’s Work? Career Self-Management and the Management of the Boundary between Work and Non-Work, Jane Sturges, Human Resource Management Journal, 18 (2), 2008, 118–134.

Impact of Relational Coordination on Job Satisfaction and Quality Outcomes: A Study of Nursing Homes, Jody Hoffer Gittell, Dana Weinberg, Susan Pfefferle and Christine Bishop, Human Resource Management Journal, 18 (2), 2008, 154–170.

A Job to Believe In: Recruitement in the Scottish Voluntary Sector, Dennis Nickson, Chris Warhust, Eli Dutton and Scott Hurrell, Human Resource Management Journal, 18 (1), 2008, 20–35.

Organisational Practices and the Post-Retirement Employment Experience of Older Workers, Marjorie Armstrong-Stassen, Human Resource Management Journal, 18 (1), 2008, 36–53.

HR Practices and Commitment to Change: An Employee-Level Analysis, Edel Conway and Kathy Monks, Human Resource Management Journal, 18 (1), 2008, 72–89.

Changes in Human Resource Management with the Transformation of Technology Management Strategy, Masanobu Fukutani, Japan Labor Review, 5 (3), 2008, 7–32.

Mobility of R&D Workers and Technological Performance, Yaichi Aoshima, Japan Labor Review, 5 (3), 2008, 33–60.

Working Capital Management Practices: Study of Public Sector Enterprises in India, P. K. Jain and Surendra S. Yadav, Management and Change, 11 (2), 2007, 1–68.

Increasing Feeling of Alienation among Government Employees in India, Shuchi Agrawal, Management and Change, 11 (2), 2007, 93–108.

Work and Employment in Creative Industries: The Video Games Industry in Germany, Sweden and Poland, Christina Teipen, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 29 (3), 309–335.

L’étude des événements au travail par les méthodes du journal personnel : enjeux et applications…, Neil Conway, Mohamed Ikram Nasr, Narjes Sassi, Patrice Roussel, Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 68, 2008, 2–16.

La gestion des ressources humaines dans les projets industriels, Hedia Zannad, Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 68, 2008, 49–65.

La mort par surtravail et le toyotisme, Paul Jobin, Les Mondes du Travail, 6, septembre 2008, 103–116.

Archétypes de leadership et équipe de direction, Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, Gestion, 33 (3), 2008, 48–60.

Les femmes et le leadership, Isabelle Fortier, Gestion, 33 (3), 2008, 61–67.

Work-life balance of shift workers, Cara Williams, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 20 (3), 2008, 15–26.

L’équilibre travail-vie personnelle des travailleurs de quarts, Cara Williams, L’emploi et le revenu en Perspective, 20 (3), 2008, 19–32.

Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work

Working without Commitments: Precarious Employment and Health, Wayne Lewchuk, Marlea Clarke and Alice de Wolff, Work, Employment and Society, 22 (3), 2008, 387–406.

Non-regular Employment in Japan: Continued and Renewed Dualities, Arjan B. Keizer, Work, Employment and Society, 22 (3), 2008, 407–426.

An Exploration of Small Firm Psychological Contracts, Carol Atkinson, Work, Employment and Society, 22 (3), 2008, 447–466.

The European Union and the Western Balkans, Jens Becker, South East Europe Review, 11 (1), 2008, 7–28.

Dans le « carré de l’activité » : perspectives internationales sur le travail et l’activité, Christian Licoppe, Sociologie du travail, 50 (3), 2008, 287–302.

Quand le centre se dérobe : la notion de knotworking et ses promesses, Yrjö Engeström, Sociologie du travail, 50 (3), 2008, 303–330.

L’homme et l’automate. L’écologie élargie du travail contemporain, Alexandra Bidet, Sociologie du Travail, 50 (3), 2008, 372–395.

Social Movement Unionism and Social Partnership in Germany: The Case of Hamburg’s Hospitals, Ian Greer, Industrial Relations, 47 (4), 2008, 602–624.

Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security

A Hard Sell? The Prospects for Ap- prenticeship in British Retailing, Paul Lewis, Paul Ryan and Howard Gospel, Human Resource Management Journal, 18 (1), 2008, 3–19.

Special Issue: Vocational Education and Training and the Labour Market, Industrial Relations Journal, 39 (5), 2008, 346–447. Editorial: Training and the Limits of Supply-Side Skill Development, Mark Stuart and Richard Cooney; Does Literacy and Numeracy Training for Adults Increase Employment and Employability? Evidence from the Skills for Life Programme in England, Pamela Meadows and Hilary Metcalf; Firm Foundations? Contingent Labour and Employers’ Provision of Training in the UK Construction Sector, Chris Forde, Robert MacKenzie and Andrew Robinson; Explaining Activity and Exploring Experience-Findings from a Survey of Union Learning Representatives, Alison Hollinrake, Valerie Antcliff and Richard Saundry; Interfirm Cooperation in Training: Group Training in the UK and Australia, Richard Cooeny and Howard Gospel; Vocational Training and the Labour Market in Liberal and Coordinated Economies, Gerhard Bosch and Jean Charest.

Survival and Decline of the Ap- prenticeship System in the Australian and UK Construction Industries, Phillip Toner, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2008, 413–438.

Employment Behaviour of Marginal Workers: The Roles of Preferences and Opportunities, Morten Nordberg, Labour, 22 (3), 2008, 411–446.

Single Mothers, Welfare, and Incentives to Work, Libertad Gonzalez, Labour, 22 (3), 2008, 447–468.

Challenges Facing Workforce Training in Canada: Policy Perspectives for the Future, Jean Charest, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 44 (1), 2008, 1–25.

Améliorer la qualité du travail peu rémunéré: l’expérience des États-Unis, Paul Osterman, Revue internationale du Travail, 147 (2–3), 2008, 123–144.

États de la protection des travailleurs aux États-Unis : le travail non régle- menté dans la ville de New York, Annette Bernhardt, Siobhan McGrath et James DeFilippis, Revue interna-tionale du Travail, 147 (2–3), 2008, 145–178.

Vers un respect durable de la législation : résultats des modèles d’inspection du travail au Brésil, Roberto Pires, Revue internationale du Travail, 147 (2–3), 219–252.

Délocalisations, rotation de la main- d’oeuvre, salaires et gestion des ressources humaines : le cas des maquiladoras au Mexique, Kurt Loess, Van V. Miller et David Yoskowitz, Revue internationale du Travail, 147 (2–3), 271–298.

Fathers’ Use of Paid Parental Leave, Katherine Marshall, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 20 (3), 2008, 5–14.

Utilisation par les pères des congés parentaux payés, Katherine Marshall, L’emploi et le revenu en Perspective, 20 (3), 2008, 7–18.

Protection of Mutual Interests? Employment Protection and Skill Formation in Different Labour Market Regimes, Jonas Edlund and Anne Grönlund, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (3), 2008, 245–264.

Labor Market Institutions and Individual Absenteeism in the European Union: The Relative Importance of Sickness Benefit Systems and Employment Protection Legislation, Bernd Frick and Miguel A. Malo, Industrial Relations, 47 (4), 2008, 505–529.

The Union Wage Effect in Japan, Hiromi Hara and Daiji Kawaguchi, Industrial Relations, 47 (4), 2008, 569–590.

Canadian Evidence on the Hourly Paid-Salaried Breakdown: Are Canadian Salaried Workers Missing Too? Mike Shannon, Industrial Relations, 47 (4), 2008, 591–601.

Études comparatives et mondialisation / Comparative Studies and Globalization

Foreign Subsidiary Perspectives on the Mechanisms of Global HRM Integration, Adam Smale, Human Resource Management Journal, 18 (2), 2008, 135–153.

The Internationalisation of HRM through Reverse Transfer: Two Case Studies of French Multinationals in Scotland, Kathryn Thory, Human Resource Management Journal, 18 (1), 2008, 54–71.

Survival and Decline of the Apprenticeship System in the Australian and UK Construction Industries, Phillip Toner, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2008, 413–438.

Mission Impossible? Raising Labor Standards in the ICT Sector, Anibel Ferus-Comelo, Labor Studies Journal, 33 (2), 2008, 141–162.

Évaluer la qualité de l’emploi : les indicateurs de la Stratégie enropéenne pour l’emploi et au-delà, Lucie Davoine, Christine Erhel et Mathilde Guergoat-Lariviere, Revue internationale du Travail, 147 (2–3), 2008, 179–218.

National Industrial Relations and Local Bargaining Power in the US and German Telecommunications Industries, Virginia Doellgast, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (3), 2008, 265–288.

Généralités / General

Numéro spécial : Les syndicats face à la responsabilité sociale des entreprises, La revue de l’Ires, 57 (2), 2008, 3–168. La RSE, entre relations publiques et outil politique, Anne Bory et Yves Lochard; Contribution des codes de conduite et des accords cadres internationaux à la responsabilité sociale des entreprises, Reynald Bourque; Responsabilité sociale des entreprises et droit du travail (européen), amis ou ennemis ? Chassez le juridique, il revient au galop, Filip Dorssemont; Le comité d’entreprise européen : un acteur de la responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise ? Elodie Bethoux; Comment devenir légitimes ? Le double rôle des syndicats dans le marché de l’investissement socialement responsable, Elise Penalvaicher; Syndicaliste et/ou bénévole : mécénat d’entreprise et engagement dans le monde de l’entreprise, Anne Bory.

Special Issue : Annual European Review 2008, Industrial Relations Journal, 39 (6), 2008, 450–603. Editorial: The Survival and Significance of European National Employment Models, Jill Rubery, Colette Fagan and Damian Grimshaw; Assessing the Long-Run Economic Impact of Labour Law Systems: A Theoetical Reappraisal and Analysis of New Time Series Data, Simon Deakin and Prabirjit Sarkar; Surviving the EU? The Future for National Employment Models in Europe, Jill Rubery, Gerhard Bosch and Steffen Lehndorff; Still a Distinctive Southern European Employement Model? Maria Karamessini; European Works Council at General Motors Europe: Bargaining Efficiency in Regime Competition?, Joseph Banyuls, Thomas Haipeter and Laszlo Neumann; The Impact of Private Equity on European Companies and Workers: Key Issues and a Review of the Evidence, Andrew Watt; Working Time Flexibility across Europe: A Typology Using Firm-Level Data, Marcel Kerkhofs, Heejung Chung and Peter Ester; Job Quality in Europe, Mark Smith, Brendan Burchell, Colette Fagan and Catherine O’Brien.