Article body

Relations du travail / Labour Relations

Les mutations de la négociation collective en France, Pierre-Éric Tixier, Négociations, 2007/2, printemps, 105–120.

Avant les intérêts : la reconstruction identitaire. Quelques remarques à propos des négociations entre dominants et dominés, Lavinia Hall et Charles Heckscher, Négociations, 2007/2, printemps, 11–32.

Trade Unions and Regional Government Working in Partnership? Emergent Lessons from Wales, Deborah Foster and Peter Scott, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 28 (3), 2007, 349–373.

Union Decline and Renewal in Australia and Britain: Lessons from Closed Shops, Simon de Turberville, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 28 (3), 2007, 374–400.

Labor Law Reform and the Role of Delay in Union Organizing: Empirical Evidence from Canada, Michele Campolieti, Chris Riddell and Sara Slinn, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (1), 2007, 32–58.

The Evolution of Collective Bargaining: Observations on a Comparison in the Countries of the European Union, Silvania Sciarra, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 29 (1), 2007, 1–28.

Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations

Interest Formation in Greenfield Union Organising Campaigns, Melanie Simms, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (5), 2007, 439–454.

How Can Trade Unions Act Strategically? Richard Hyman, Transfer, 13 (2), 2007, 193–210.

Trade Unions and Local Development Networks, Colin Crouch, Transfer, 13 (2), 2007, 211–224.

Employee Involvement in Restructuring: Are We Able to Determine the Price? Valeria Pulignano and Norbert Kluge, Transfer, 13 (2), 2007, 225–240.

Active Change Strategies for Trade Union, Olle Hammarström, Transfer, 13 (2), 2007, 241–252.

Retructuring in an Enlarged Europe: Challenges and Experiences, Guglielmo Meardi, Transfer, 13 (2), 2007, 253–266.

Tracing Trade Union Innovation: A Framework for Evaluating Trade Union Learning Projects in a Time of Complexity, Steve Walker, Miguel Martinez Lucio and Philippa Trevorrow, Transfer, 13 (2), 2007, 267–290.

Searching for Workers’Solidarity: The One Big Union and the Victoria General Strike of 1919, Benjamin Isitt, Labour/Le travail, 60, automne 2007, 9–42.

Transforming Worker Representation: The Magma Model in Canada and Mexico, Wayne Lewchuk and Don Wells, Labour/Le travail, 60, automne 2007, 107–136.

Ruth Milkman’s L.A. Story: A Symposium, Industrial Relations, 46 (4), 2007, 659–698. Introduction to Symposium on Ruth Milkman’s L.A. Story, Daniel J.B. Mitchell; Rewriting Labor’s Narrative, Nelson Lichtenstein; The Next 100 Pages, Daniel J.B. Mitchell; Labor ELAted: The Los Angeles Union Movement Revival, Katherine V. W. Stone; Review of Ruth Milkman: L.A. Story, Lloyd Ulman; Book Review, Paula Voos; Los Angeles Exceptionalism and Beyond: A Response to the Critics, Ruth Milkman.

Droit du travail / Labour Law

Labour Law, Legal Pluralism and State Sovereignty, Michel Coutu, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (2), 2006-2007, 169–186.

Successor Employer: Who Decides? Then What? GMAC Commercial Credit Corp and Its Aftermath, Keith Yamauchi, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (2), 2006-2007, 187–228.

Racial Harassment in Employment: An Assessment of the Analytical Approaches, Michael Hall, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (2), 2006-2007, 229–254.

What Does Isidore Garon Mean for Arbitral Jurisdiction in Quebec? Renée-Claude Drouin et Gilles Trudeau, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (2), 2006-2007, 255–282.

The Fiduciary Accountability of Ordinary Employees, Robert Flannigan, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (2), 2006-2007, 283-300.

Towards an Understanding of Standard Employment Relationships under Australian Labour Law, Joo-Cheong Tham, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 28 (2), 2007, 123–158.

Come Spring the Australian Fair Pay Commission as Legal Transplant, Mary Gardiner, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 28 (2), 2007, 159–188.

The Regulation of Outwork and the Federal Takeover of Labour Law, Michael Rawling, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 28 (2), 2007, 189–206.

Définir la « race » et l’ethnie, préalable à la lutte contre le racisme en entreprise, Christophe Willmann, Droit social, 9/10, septembre-octobre 2007, 936-950.

Labor Law Reform and the Role of Delay in Union Organizing: Empirical Evidence from Canada, Michele Campolieti, Chris Riddell and Sara Slinn, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (1), 2007, 32–58.

The New Discourse of Labor Rights: From Social to Fundamental Rights? Judy Fudge, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 29 (1), 2007, 29–66.

Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations

Influence of Demographic Factors and Ownership Type upon Organizational Learning Culture in Chinese Enterprises, Hiaohui Wang, Baiyin Yang and Gary N. McLean, International Journal of Training and Development, 11 (3), 2007, 154–165.

Reorganization of Firms and Job Stability: A Theoretical Approach, Eva Moreno-Galbis, Labour, 21 (3), 2007, 389–418.

An Empirical Analysis of the Decision to Train Apprentices, Samuel Muehlemann, Juerg Schweri, Rainer Kinkelmann and Stefan C. Wolter, Labour, 21 (3), 2007, 419–442.

From Welfare to Work: Evaluating a Tax and Benefit Reform Targeted at Single Mothers in Sweden, Lennard Flood, Roger Wahlberg and Elina Pylkanen, Labour, 21 (3), 2007, 443–472.

PhD Graduates with Post-doctoral Qualification in the Private Sector: Does it Pay Off? Isabelle Recotillet, Labour, 21 (3), 2007, 473–502.

A Stock-Flow Matching Approach to Evaluation of Public Training Programme in a High-Unemployment Environment, Jekaterina Dmitrijeva and Mihails Hazans, Labour, 21 (3), 2007, 503–540.

Measuring Unemployment in Developing Countries: The Case of Indonesia, Daniel Suryadarma, Asep Suryahadi and Sudarno Sumarto, Labour, 21 (3), 2007, 541–562.

The Gender Wage Gap in the Turkish Labor Market, Ipek Ilkkaracan and Raziye Selim, Labour, 21 (3), 2007, 563–593.

Principals as Agent? Investigating Accountability in the Compensation and Performance of School Principals, Sherrilyn M. Billger, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (1), 2007, 90–107.

Competent Production Supervisors, Arnaldo Camuffo and Fabrizio Gerli, Industrial Relations, 46 (4), 2007, 728–737.

Delivering Skills: Apprenticeship Program Sponsorship and Transition from Training, Cihan Bilginsoy, Industrial Relations, 46 (4), 2007, 738–765.

Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work

La diversité du succès des travailleurs autonomes, André Beaucage et Guy Bellemare, Recherches sociographiques, XLVIII (2), 11–36.

The Polder Model Reviewed Dutch Corporatism 1965-2000, Jaap Woldendorp and Hans Keman, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 28 (3), 2007, 317–348.

From Conflict to Shared Development: Social Capital in a Tayloristic Environment, Peter Hasle and Niels Moller, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 28 (3), 2007, 401–430.

Perceptions of Justice in Connection with Individualize Pay Setting, Teresia Andersson-Sträberg, Magnus Sverke and Johnny Hellgren, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 28 (3), 2007, 431–464.

The Determinants of Post-Privatization Efficiency Gains: The Taiwanese Experience, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 28 (3), 2007, 465–493.

Des « employeurs multiples » au « noyau dur » d’employeurs: relations d’emploi et concurrence sur le marché des comédiens intermittents, Prix du jeune auteur 2006, Olivier Pilmis, Sociologie du travail, 49 (3), 2007, 297–315.

Le travail entrepreneurial ou l’entrepreneur schumpetérien performé, Prix du jeune auteur 2006, Martin Giraudeau, Sociologie du travail, 49 (3), 2007, 330–350.

Le genre des politiques sociales : L’apport théorique des « gender studies » à l’analyse des politiques sociales, Nathalie Morel, Sociologie du travail, 49 (3), 2007, 383–397.

La gestion des ressources humaines : d’hier à demain, Silvana Pazzebon, Urwana Coiquaud, Alain Gosselin et Denis Chênevert, Gestion, 32 (3), 2007, 99–109.

Does Training Trigger Turnover – or Not? The Impact of Formal Training on Graduates’ Job Search Behaviour, Inge Sieben, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (3), 2007, 397–416.

Re-embedding the Ethnic Business Agenda, Trevor Jones and Monder Ram, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (3), 439–458.

Partnership Consultation and Employer Domination in Two British Life and Pensions Firms, Peter Samuel, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (3), 459–478.

Constructing Habitus: The Negotiation of Moral Encounters at Telekom, Joe O’Mahoney, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (3), 479–496.

Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security

Recruting, Paying and Training 16- and 17- Year-old School Leavers, Jason Heyes, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (5), 2007, 386–405.

Why is There not More ‘Annualised Hours’ Working in Britain? James Arrowsmith, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (5), 2007, 423–438.

Labour Inputs to Non-profit Organizations, Leroy Stone and Hasbeem Nouroz, Perspective on Labour and Income, 19 (3), 2007, 5–12.

Trends and Seasonality in Absenteeism, Ernest B. Akyeampong, Perspective on Labour and Income, 19 (3), 2007, 13–16.

Working at Home: An Update, Ernest B. Akyeampong, Perspective on Labour and Income, 19 (3), 2007, 17–20.

Participation of Older Workers, Katherine Marshall and Vincent Ferrao, Perspective on Labour and Income, 19 (3), 2007, 31–38.

Public Pensions and Work, Ted Wannell, Perspective on Labour and Income, 19 (3), 2007, 39–46.

Les ressources humaines des organismes sans but lucratif, Leroy Stone et Hasbeem Nouroz, L’emploi et le revenu enperspective, 19 (3), 2007, 5–14.

Tendances et saisonnalité de l’absentéisme, Ernest B. Akyeampong, L’emploi et le revenu enperspective, 19 (3), 2007, 15–18.

Le point sur le travail à domicile, Ernest B. Akyeampong, L’emploi et le revenu enperspective, 19 (3), 2007, 19–22.

Participation des travailleurs âgés à la vie active, Katherine Marshall et Vincent Ferrao, L’emploi et le revenu enperspective, 19 (3), 2007, 33–40.

Pensions publiques et travail, Ted Wannell, L’emploi et le revenu enperspective, 19 (3), 2007, 41-50.

Testing the Morale Theory of Nominal Wage Rigidity, Dajii Kawaguchi and Fumio Ohtake, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (1), 2007, 59–74.

The Economic Pay-Offs to Informal Training: Evidence from Routine Service Work, Xiangmin Liu and Rosemary Batt, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (1), 2007, 75–89.

New Evidence on the Determinants of Absenteeism Using Linked Employer-Employee Data, Georges Dionne and Benoit Dostie, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (1), 2007, 108–120.

The Impact of Provider Choice on Workers’Compensation costs and Outcomes, David Neumark, Peter S. Barth and Richard A. Victor, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (1), 2007, 121–141.

Measuring the Union-Nonumion Wage Gap using Propensity Score Matching, Ozkan Eren, Industrial Relations, 46 (4), 2007, 766–780.

Testing the Monopoly Union Model: A Stochastic Frontier Approach, James Swanson and Kim Andrews, Industrial Relations, 46 (4), 2007, 781–798.

Équité au travail / Equity at Work

Gender Difference in Occupational Distributions among Workers, Paul E. Gabriel and Suzanne Schmitz, Monthly Labor Review, 130 (6), 2007, 19–24.

Earnings by Gender: Evidence from Census 2000, Daniel H. Weinberg, Monthly Labor Review, 130 (7/8), 2007, 26–34.

Discrimination, Labour Markets and the Labour Market Prospects of Older Workers: What Can a Legal Case Teach Us? Sally A. Weller, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (3), 417–438.

Racial Harassment in Employment: An Assessment of the Analytical Approaches, Michael Hall, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (2) 2006-2007, 229–254.

Comparing the Earnings of Cohabiting Lesbians, Cohabiting Heterosexual Women, and Married Women: Evidence from the 2000 Census, Lisa K. Jepsen, Industrial Relations, 46 (4), 2007, 699–727.

Études comparatives et mondialisation / Comparative Studies and Globalization

Trade Unions and Racism in London, Brussels and Paris Public Transport, Steve Jefferys and Nouria Ouali, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (5), 2007, 406–422.

Les organisations collectives des travailleurs face aux stratégies des multinationales, Jean-Jacques Paris, Droit social, 9/10, septembre-octobre 2007, 1026-1036.

Does Monitoring Improve Labor Standards? Lessons from Nike, Richard M. Locke, Fei Qin and Alberto Brause, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (1), 2007, 3–31.

The Evolution of Collective Bargaining: Observations on a Comparison in the Countries of the European Union, Silvania Sciarra, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 29 (1), 2007, 1–28.

Généralités / General

Annual European Review 2007, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (6), 2007, 456–635. Editorial : Changing State Intervention, Damian Grimshaw, Jill Rubery and Jeremy Waddington; Labour Market Developments in the New EU Member States, John Morley; More Voice After More Exit? Unstable Industrial Relations in Central Eastern Europe, Guglielmo Meardi; Posting of Workers in the Single Market: Attempts to Prevent Social Dumping and Regime Competition in the EU, Jan Cremers, Joh Erik Dolvik and Gerhard Bosch; The Public-Private Pension Mix in OECD Countries, Monika Queisser, Edward Whitehouse and Peter Whiteford; Work-life Balance in the EU and Leave Arrangement Across Welfare Regimes, Ayse Idil Aybars; Convergent and Divergent Country Trends in Coordinated Wage Setting and Collective Bargaining in the Public Hospitals Sector, Damian Grimshaw, Karen Jaehrling, Marc van der Meer, Philippe Méhaut and Nirit Shimron; The Role of the State in Central and Eastern European Industrial Relations the Case of Minimum Wages, Heribert Kohl and Hans-Wolfgang Platzer.