Article body
Relations du travail / Labour Relations
Why Have Workers Stopped Joining Unions? The Rise in Never-Membership in Britain, Alex Bryson and Rafael Gomez, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43 (1), 2005, 67-92.
Explaining the Younger-Older Worker Union Density Gap: Evidence from New Zealand, Peter Haynes, Jack Vowles and Peter Boxall, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43 (1), 2005, 93-116.
British Managers’ Attitudes and Behaviour in Industrial Relations: A Twenty-Year Study, Michael Poole, Roger Mansfield, Julian Gould-Williams and Priya Mendes, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43 (1), 2005, 117-134.
Decentralizing Wage Bargaining in Germany: A Way to Increase Employment?, Wolfgang Ochel, Labour, 19 (1), 2005, 91-121.
Confronting a Changing Economy: Union Responses in Finland, Satu Kalliola, Economic and Industrial Relations, 26 (2), 2005, 257-287.
German Pacts for Employment and Competitiveness. Concessionary Bargaining as a Reaction to Globalisation and European Integration?, Heiko Massa-Wirth and Hartmut Seifert, Transfer, 11 (1), 2005, 26-44.
The European Works Councils: A Role beyond the EC Directive?, Volker Telljohann, Transfer, 11 (1), 2005, 81-96.
USWA-Bargained and State-Oriented Responses to the Recurrent Steel Crisis, Robert Bruno, Labor Studies Journal, 30 (1), 2005, 67-91.
Exploring the Dynamics of Industrial Relations in US Multinationals: Evidence from the Republic of Ireland, Patrick Gunnigle, David G. Collings and Michael Morley, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (3), 2005, 241-256.
Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations
Sources of Change in Trade Unions, Edmund Heery, Work, Employment and Society, 19 (1), 2005, 91-106.
Apprentice Strikes in the Twentieth-Century UK Engineering and Shipbuilding Industries, Paul Ryan, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 18, 2004, 1-63.
Worker Mobilization in the 1970s: Revisiting Work-ins, Co-operatives and Alternative Corporate Plans, Michael Gold, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 18, 2004, 65-106.
Droit du travail / Labour Law
Le droit du travail face aux nouvelles formes d’organisation des entreprises, Marie-Laure Morin, Revue internationale du travail, 144 (1), 2005, 5-30.
Numéro spécial : La Loi de programmation pour la cohésion sociale, Droit Social, 4, 2005, 359-465.
Labor Obligations in the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement, Stacie E. Martin, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 25 (2), 2004, 201-226.
The United Kingdom Recalibrates the U.S. National Labor Relations Act: Possible Lessons for the United States?, Nancy Peters, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 25 (2) 2004, 227-256.
Exceeding our Boundaries: Transnational Employment Law Practice and the Export of American Lawyering Styles to the Global Worksite, Susan Bisom-Rapp, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 25 (2), 2004, 257-337.
Who Owns Human Capital? A Critical Appraisal of Legal Techniques for Capturing the Value of Work, Joellen Riley, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 18 (1), 2005, 1-25.
Crafting Remedies for Bad Faith Bargaining, Coercion and Duress: ‘Relative Ethical Flexibility’ in the Twenty-first Century, Margaret Lee, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 18 (1), 2005, 26-52.
Actualité du régime du travail dans le cadre de l’Union Européenne, Droit Social, 5, 2005, 491-535. Avant-propos, Antoine Jeammaud; La mobilité internationale du salarié, Sophie Robin-Olivier; Le travail dans le cadre de la prestation internationale de services, Antoine Lyon-Caen; Regards sur les chantiers navals, Marc Ameil; Actualité du droit de l’harmonisation sociale en matière de rapport d’emploi, Jean-Philippe Lhernould et Nicolas Moizard; Actualité du rapprochement des législations en matière de relations professionnelles, Sylvaine Laulom et Christophe Vigneau.
La résiliation de l’essai fondée sur un motif étranger à ses résultats : pour une autre logique, Jean Mouly, Droit Social, 6, 2005, 614-624.
Repos ou argent ? Un arbitrage variable dans le droit de la durée du travail, Franck Morel, Droit Social, 6, 2005, 625-633.
Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations
‘Making up’ Managers: The Case of NHS Nurses, Sharon C. Bolton, Work, Employment and Society, 19 (1), 2005, 5-23.
Is it Good to Talk? Information Disclosure and Organizational Performance in the UK, Riccardo Peccei, Helen Bewley, Howard Gospel and Paul Willman, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43 (1), 2005, 11-39.
Symposium: Selected Papers from the International Industrial Relations Association, Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2005, 207-306. The Role of the Senior HR Executive in Japan and the United States: Employment Relations, Corporate Governance and Values, Sanford M. Jacoby, Emily M. Nason and Kazuro Saguchi; Work Roles and Careers of R&D Scientists in Network Organizations, Alice Lam; Unraveling Home and Host Country Effects: An Investigation of the HR Policies of an American Multinational in Four European Countries, Phil Almond, Tony Edwards, Trevor Colling, Anthony Ferner, Paddy Gunnigle, Michael Müller-Camen, Javier Quintanilla, and Hartmut Wächter.
Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work
Cultures of Ambiguity : Design, Emergence and Ambivalence in the Introduction of Normative Control, Ian P. McLoughlin, Richard J. Badham and Gill Palmer, Work, Employment and Society, 19 (1), 2005, 67-89.
Management Behaviour as Social Capital: A Systematic Analysis of Organizational Ethnographies, Randy Hodson, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43 (1), 2005, 41-65.
Contingent Employment Contracts: Are Existing Employment Theories Still Relevant?, Daniel G. Gallagher and Magnus Sverke, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (2), 2005, 181-203.
Non-Union Voice and the Effectiveness of Joint Consultation in New Zealand, Peter Haynes, Peter Boxall and Keith Macky, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (2), 2005, 229-256.
L’erreur est humaine mais non professionnelle : le bûcheron et l’accident, Florent Schepens, Sociologie du travail, 47 (1), 2005, 1-16.
Les métiers flous du développement rural, Gilles Jeannot, Sociologie du travail, 47 (1), 2005, 17-35.
Les transformations du marché du travail : un éclairage à partir de l’analyse des décalages entre offre et demande dans un système productif localisé, Annie Lamanthe, Sociologie du travail, 47 (1), 2005, 37-56.
Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security
Retirement and the Evolution of Pension Structure, Leora Friedberg and Anthony Webb, The Journal of Human Resources, 40 (2), 2005, 281-308.
The Last American Shoe Manufacturers: Decreasing Productivity and Increasing Profits in the Shift from Piece Rates to Continuous Flow Production, Richard B. Freeman and Morris M. Kleiner, Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2005, 307-330.
The Intergenerational Supply of Loggers under Conditions of Declining Economic Well-Being, Jonathan P. Goldstein, Lloyd C. Irland, Jennifer A. Senick, and Eric W. Bassett, Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2005, 331-340.
The Effect of Employer-Sponsored Education on Job Mobility: Evidence from the U.S. Navy, Richard Buddin and Kanika Kapur, Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2005, 341-363.
Special Issue: 25 Years of the National Longitudinal Survey – Youth Cohort, Monthly Labor Review, 128 (2), 2005, 3-70.
Mandatory Overtime Work in the United States: Who, Where, and What?, Lonnie Golden and Barbara Wiens-Tuers, Labor Studies Journal, 30 (1), 2005, 1-25.
Hospital Speedups and the Fiction of a Nursing Shortage, Gordon Lafer, Labor Studies Journal, 30 (1), 2005, 27-46.
Building Social Partnership? Strengths and Shortcomings of the European Employment Strategy, Bernard Casey, Transfer, 11 (1), 2005, 45-63.
Nonunion Wage Rates and the Threat of Unionization, Henry S. Farber, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58 (3), 2005, 335-352.
Do Wages Rise with Job Seniority? A Reassessment, Joseph G. Altonji and Nicolas Williams, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58 (3), 2005, 370-397.
Pacts for Employment and Competitiveness in Germany, Harmut Seifert and Heiko Massa-Wirth, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (3), 2005, 217-240.
À l’encontre du conservatisme économique : un projet pour la croissance, l’emploi et la réduction de la pauvreté, Lyanatul Islam, Revue internationale du Travail, 144 (1), 2005, 57-87.
L’avenir incertain du modèle social européen dans une Europe élargie, Georges Spyropoulos, Droit Social, 6, 2005, 603-605.
Équité au travail / Equity at Work
Unions and Discriminatory Hiring: Evidence from New Zealand, Mark Harcourt, Helen Lam, and Sondra Harcourt, Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2005, 364-372.
Les congés aux parents : contre l’égalité entre femmes et hommes ?, Antoine Math et Christèle Meilland, La Revue de l’IRES, 46 (3), 2004, 137-186.
The Future of Work – What Kind of Work? Impacts of Gender on the Definition of Work and Research Methodology, Alexandra Scheele, Transfer, 11 (1), 2005, 14-25.
Would the Elimination of Affirmative Action Affect Highly Qualified Minority Applicants? Evidence from California and Texas, David Card and Alan B. Krueger, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58 (3), 2005, 416-434.
How to Close the Gender Pay Gap in Europe: Towards the Gender Mainstreaming of Pay Policy, Jill Rubery, Damian Grimshaw and Hugo Figueiredo, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (3), 2005, 184-213.
Comment on “How to Close the Gender Pay Gap in Europe”, John Forth and Hilary Metcalf, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (3), 2005, 214-216.
Études comparatives / Comparative Studies
Symposium: Selected Papers from the International Industrial Relations Association, Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2005, 207-306. The Role of the Senior HR Executive in Japan and the United States: Employment Relations, Corporate Governance and Values, Sanford M. Jacoby, Emily M. Nason and Kazuro Saguchi; Work Roles and Careers of R&D Scientists in Network Organizations, Alice Lam; Unraveling Home and Host Country Effects: An Investigation of the HR Policies of an American Multinational in Four European Countries, Phil Almond, Tony Edwards, Trevor Colling, Anthony Ferner, Paddy Gunnigle, Michael Müller-Camen, Javier Quintanilla, and Hartmut Wächter.
The Evolution of Union Politics for Atypical Employees: A Comparison between German and Austrian Trade Union in the Private Service Sector, Susanne Pernicka, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (2), 2005, 205-228.
Globalizing Quiescence: Globalization, Union Density and Strikes in 15 Industrialized Countries, James A. Piazza, Economic and Industrial Relations, 26 (2), 2005, 289-314.
Un état des lieux des congés destinés aux parents dans vingt pays européens, Antoine Math et Christèle Meilland, La Revue de l’IRES, 46 (3), 2004, 113-136.
Généralités / General
Providing Quality Information on the Labor Situation of Korea, Park In Sang, Korea Labor Review, 1 (1), 2005, 2.