Article body
Relations du travail / Labour Relations
« « Snatching at the Wind? Unpaid Overtime and Trade Unions in Australia », Iain Campbell, International Journal of Employment Studies, vol. 10, no 2, 2002, 109–156.
« Baseball Negotiations: A New Agreement », Paul D. Staudohar, Monthly Labor Review, vol. 125, no 12, 2002, 15–22.
« Workplace Partnership and the Displaced Activist Thesis », John F. Geary and William K. Roche, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 34, no 1, 2003, 32–51.
« Union Organising in ‘Big Blue’s Backyard », Patricia Findlay and Alan McKinlay, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 34, no 1, 2003, 52–66.
« Bargaining (De)centralization, Macroeconomic Performance and Control over the Employment Relationship », Franz Traxler, British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 41, no 1, 2003, 1–28.
« Police Pay and Bargaining in the UK, 1978-2000 », Laurie Hunter, British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 41, no 1, 2003, 29–52.
« Political Activism and Workplace Industrial Relations in a UK ‘Failing’ School », Moira Calveley and Geraldine Healy, British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 41, no 1, 2003 97–114.
Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations
« Where are the Non-Members? Challenges and Opportunities in the Heartlands for Union Organising », Chris Briggs, Mark Cole and John Buchanan, International Journal of Employment Studies, vol. 10, no 2, 2002, 1–22.
« ‘We’re Solid’: Union Renewal at BHP Iron Ore, 1999-2002 », Bradon Ellem, International Journal of Employment Studies, vol. 10, no 2, 2002, 23–46.
« The Changing Roles of Public Sector Unionism », Eve Anderson, Gerard Griffin and Julian Teicher, International Journal of Employment Studies, vol. 10, no 2, 2002, 47–82.
« Activism amongst Workplace Union Delegates », David Peetz, Carol Webb and Meredith Jones, International Journal of Employment Studies, vol. 10, no 2, 2002, 83–108.
« Union Organising in New Zealand: Making the Most of the New Environment? », Robyn May and Pat Walsh, International Journal of Employment Studies, vol. 10, no 2, 2002, 157–180.
« Introduction: Union Revitalization Strategies in Comparative Perspective », Carola M. Frege and John Kelly, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 9, no 1, 2003, 7–24.
« Unions in Germany: Regaining the Initiative? », Martin Behrens, Michael Fichter and Carola M. Frege, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 9, no 1, 2003, 25–42.
« The Resurgence of the Italian Confederal Unions: Will it Last? », Lucio Baccaro, Mimmo Carrieri and Cesare Damiano, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 9, no1, 2003, 43–60.
« Strategies of Union Revitalization in Spain: Negotiating Change and Fragmentation », Kerstin Hamann and Miguel Martínez Lucio, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 9, no 1, 2003, 61–78.
« Union Revitalization in Britain », Edmund Heery, John Kelly and Jeremy Waddington, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 9, no 1, 2003, 79–98.
« Reviving the American Labour Movement: Institutions and Mobilization », Richard Hurd, Ruth Milkman and Lowell Turner, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 9, no 1, 2003, 99–118.
« The Politics of Labour Movement Revitalization: The Need for a Revitalized Perspective », Lucio Baccaro, Kerstin Hamann and Lowell Turner, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 9, no 1, 2003, 119–133.
« Not Just Another Labor Party: The Workers’Party and Democracy in Brazil », John A. Guidry, Labor Studies Journal, vol. 28, no 1, 2003, 83–108.
« Learning for Change: Staff Training, Leadership Development, and Union Transformation », Tom Nesbit, Labor Studies Journal, vol. 28, no 1, 2003, 109–132.
« Alternative Strategic Directions for the U.S. Labor Movement: Recent Scholarship », Bruce Nissen, Labor Studies Journal, vol. 28, no 1, 2003, 133–156.
Droit du travail / Labour Law
« Labor Rights in the Generalized System of Preferences: A 20-Year Review », Lance Compa and Jeffrey S. Vogt, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, vol. 22, no 2 & 3, 2001, 199-238.
« Labor Regulation in the North American Free Trade Area: A Study on the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation », Emmanuelle Mazuyer, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, vol. 22, no 2 & 3, 2001, 239–260.
« Employment Litigation on the Rise? Comparing British Employment Tribunals and German Labor Courts », Martin Schneider, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, vol. 22, no 2 & 3, 2001, 261–280.
« An International Comparison and Assessment of Maternity Leave Legislation », Dorothea Alewell and Kerstin Pull, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, vol. 22, no 2 & 3, 2001, 297–326.
« A British Dilemma: Disclosure of Information for Collective Bargaining and Joint Consultation », Howard Gospel, Graeme Lockwood and Paul William, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, vol. 22, no 2 & 3, 2001, 327–350.
« Outsourcing Risk? The Regulation of Occupational Health and Safety Where Subcontractors Are Employed », Richard Johnstone, Claire Mayhew and Michael Quinlan, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, vol. 22, no 2 & 3, 2001, 351–394.
« Transfer of Undertakings Directive: The History of a European Union Social Policy Directive », N.S. Ghosheh Jr and Colin Gill, International Journal of Employment Studies, vol. 10, no 1, 2002, 45–74.
« Le contrat de travail solidaire », Michel Morand et Philippe Coursier, Droit social, no 2, 2003, 155–163.
« Contractuel, mais disciplinaire », Antoine Mazeaud, Droit social, no 2, 2003, 164–165.
« La garantie des droits sociaux est-elle compatible avec la décentralisation ? », Xavier Prétot, Droit social, no 2, 2003, 186–193.
« Le principe d’égalité en droit du travail », Philippe Waquet, Droit social, no 3, 2003, 276-282.
« La notion de travailleur salarié en droit social communautaire », Philippe Coursier, Droit social, no 3, 2003, 305–311.
« Pour une réforme enfin claire et imaginative du droit de la négociation collective », Gérard Lyon-Caen, Droit social, no 4, 2003, 355–360.
Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations
« Employee Perceptions and their Influence on Training Effectiveness », Amalia Santos and Mark Stuart, Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 13, no 1, 2003, 27–45.
« What Aspects of the Job Have Most Effect on Nurses? », Abraham Sagie and Moshe Krausz, Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 13, no 1, 2003, 46–62.
« Assessing Skills and Autonomy: The Job Holder versus the Line Manager », Francis Green and Donna James, Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 13, no 1, 2003, 63–77.
« Human Resource Management and Outsourcing: The Impact of Using Consultants », Cathy Sheehan, Lindsay Nelson and Peter Holland, International Journal of Employment Studies, vol. 10, no 1, 2002, 25–44.
« Where is the Justice? Examining Work-Family Backlash in New Zealand: The Potential for Employee Resentment », Jarrod Haar and Chester S. Spell, New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 28, no 1, 2003, 59–74.
« Rated to Exhaustion? Reactions to Performance Appraisal Processes », Michelle Brown and John Benson, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 34, no 1, 2003, 67-81.
« Organisational Change and the Management of Training in Australian Enterprises », Andrew Smith, Edward Oczkowski, Robert Macklin and Charles Noble, International Journal of Training and Development, vol. 7, no 1, 2003, 2–15.
« Approaches to Learning at Work and Workplace Climate », John R. Kirby, Christopher K. Knapper, Christina J. Evans, Allen E. Carty and Carla Gadula, International Journal of Training and Development, vol. 7, no 1, 2003, 31–52.
« Internal Wage Structures and Organizational Performance », P.B. Beaumont and R.I.D. Harris, British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 7, no 1, 2003, 53–70.
Special Issue: Symposium: The Effect of Work-Family Policies on Employees and Employers, Industrial Relations, vol. 42, no 2, 2003, 139-269. « Editors’ Introduction », Robert Drago and Douglas Hyatt; « If you Can Use Them: Flexibility Policies, Organizational Commitment, and Perceived Performance », Susan C. Eaton; « Balancing Work and Family: The Role of High Commitment Environments », Peter Berg, Arne L. Kalleberg, and Eileen Appelbaum; « Human Resources Practices as Predictors of Work-Family Outcomes and Employee Turnover », Rosemary Batt and P. Monique Valcour; « Family-Friendly Management in Great Britain: Testing Various Perspectives », Stephen J. Wood, Lillian M. de Menezes, and Ana Lasaosa; « Child Care Subsidies, Welfare Reforms, and Lone Mothers », Gordon Cleveland and Douglas Hyatt.
Dossier : Repenser la formation continue, Formation Emploi, no 81, 2003, 27–127.
Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work
« Participation: ‘Bounded Freedom’ or Hidden Constraints on User Involvement », Debra Howcroft and Melanie Wilson, New Technology, Work and Employment, vol. 18, no 1, 2003, 2–19.
« Maintaining Change: The Maintenance Function and the Change Process », Fang Lee Cooke, New Technology, Work and Employment, vol. 18, no 1, 2003, 35–49.
« Disempowerment and Resistance in the Print Industry? Reactions to Surveillance-Capable Technology », Graham Button, David Mason and Wes Sharrock, New Technology, Work and Employment, vol. 18, no 1, 2003, 50–61.
Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security
« Les enjeux des régimes de retraite en regard de l’action des syndicats québécois : couverture, sécurité du revenu et gestion des caisses de retraite », Michel Lizée, La Revue de l’Ires, no 40, 2003, 73–106.
« Optimiser la protection sociale : les politiques d’activation dans le cadre du New Labour », Robert Walker et Michael Wiseman, Revue internationale de sécurité sociale, vol. 56, no 1, 2003, 3–34.
« La protection sociale en Europe : une perspective syndicale européenne », Martin Hutsebaut, Revue internationale de sécurité sociale, vol. 56, no1, 2003, 65–90.
« 2002 – Année prospère pour le marché du travail », Geoff Bowlby, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective », vol. 15, no 1, 2003, 9–15.
« Le marché du travail : hausse au nord, baisse au sud ». Geoff Bowlby et Jeannine Usalcas, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, vol. 15, no 1, 2003, 16–35.
« Qualité des emplois additionnels de 2002 », Martin Tabi et Stéphanie Langlois, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, vol. 15, no 1, 2003, 36–41.
« La vague de départs à la retraite », Andrew MacKenzie et Heather Dryburgh, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, vol. 15, no 1, 2003, 42–49.
« Les hommes de 55 ans et plus : le travail ou la retraite ? », Roman Habtu, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, vol. 15, no 1, 2003, 50–58.
« Les travailleurs plus âgés et le marché du travail », Geoff Rowe et Huan Nguyen, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, vol. 15, no 1, 2003, 59–63.
« Épargne salariale et retraite : les avatars de la protection sociale d’entreprise en Europe », Philippe Martin, Droit social, no 2, 2003, 202–215.
« Vers une individualisation des droits sociaux : approche européenne et modèles nationaux », Nicole Kerschen, Droit social, no 2, 2003, 216–222.
« S’occuper des enfants au quotidien : mais que font donc les pères ? », Jeanne Fagnani et Marie-Thérèse Letablier, Droit social, no 3, 2003, 251–259.
« Severance Payments and Firm-specific Human Capital », Jens Suedekum and Peter Ruehmann, Labour, vol. 17, no1, 2003, 47–62.
« Labor Mobility, Job Preferences, and Income Distribution », Alvaro Montenegro, Labour, vol. 17, no 1, 2003, 93–102.
« La formation syndicale », Numéro spécial, Éducation permanente, no 154, 2003, 7–187.
« The Effects of Working Time, Segmentation and Labour Market Mobility on Wages and Pensions in Ireland », Philip J. O’Connell and Vanessa Gash, British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 41, no 1, 2003, 71–96.
Équité au travail / Equity at Work
« Too Old or Too Young? The Impact of Perceived Age Discrimination », Ed Snape and Tom Redman, Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 13, no 1, 2003, 78–89.
« Assessing Anti-Ageism Routes to Older Worker Re-Engagement », Colin Duncan, Work, Employment and Society, vol. 17, no 1, 2003, 101–120.
« The Effect of Changing Perceptions of EEO on the Appointment of Women to Management and Supervisory Positions in a Public Sector Organisation », Ian Brooks, Graham Fenwick and Bernard Walker, New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 28, no 1, 2003, 23–44.
« Gender and Enterprise Bargaining in New Zealand: Revisiting the Equity Issue », Raymond Harbridge and Glen Thickett, New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 28, no 1, 2003, 75–90.
« Un moindre mal pour les travailleuses ? La Commission du salaire minimum des femmes du Québec, 1925-1937 », Éric Leroux, Labour / Le travail, no 51, 2003, 81–114.
Études comparatives / Comparative Studies
« Introduction: Union Revitalization Strategies in Comparative Perspective », Carola M. Frege and John Kelly, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 9, no 1, 2003, 7–24.
« Worker Representation under Threat? The McDonald’s Corporation and the Effectiveness of Statutory Works Councils in Seven European Union Countries », Tony Royle, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, vol. 22, no 2 & 3, 2001, 395–431.
« Employment Litigation on the Rise? Comparing British Employment Tribunals and German Labor Courts », Martin Schneider, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, vol. 22, no 2 & 3, 2001, 261–280.
« An International Comparison and Assessment of Maternity Leave Legislation », Dorothea Alewell and Kerstin Pull, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, vol. 22, no 2 & 3, 2001, 297–326.
Généralités / General
« Dons, Dockers and Miners Alike … Industrial Relations and the IRJ, 1970-2002 », Brian Towers, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 34, no 1, 2003, 4–14.
« All Benchmarkers Now? Benchmarking and the ‘Europeanisation’ of Industrial Relations », Keith Sisson, James Arrowsmith and Paul Marginson, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 34, no 1, 2003, 15–31.
« Computer and Internet Use at Work in 2001 », Steven Hipple and Karen Kosanovich, Monthly Labor Review, vol. 126, no 2, 2003, 26–35.
« E-mail and Internet Use: Employees and Employers Beware », Charles J. Muhl, Monthly Labor Review, vol. 126, no 2, 2003, 36–45.