Relations industrielles
Industrial Relations

Volume 55, Number 3, 2000

Table of contents (25 articles)

  1. Éditorial


  1. New Jobs, New Workers? Organizational Restructuring and Management Hiring Decisions
  2. L'influence de l'appui du supérieur hiérarchique, des collègues et des dirigeants d'entreprise sur le succès du télétravail
  3. The Adoption of Information Technology by U.S. National Unions
  4. Employee Profit Sharing: Consequences and Moderators
  5. Qui veut réduire ses heures de travail ? Le profil des travailleurs adhérant à un programme de partage de l'emploi
  1. Resúmenes

Recensions / Book Reviews

  1. Bélanger, Jacques, Christian Berggren, Torsten Björkman and Christoph Köhler, editors, Being Local Worldwide: ABB and the Challenge of Global Management
  2. O'Leary, Christopher J. et Stephen A. Wandner, sous la direction de, Unemployment Insurance in the United States : Analysis of Policy Issues et Vroman, Wayne, Topics in Unemployment Insurance Financing
  3. Eaton, Adrienne A. and Jeffrey H. Keefe, editors, Employment Dispute Resolution and Worker Rights
  4. Cheney, George, Values at Work: Employee Participation Meets Market Pressures at Mondragon
  5. Tashakkori, Abbas and Charles Teddlie, Mixed Methodology: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
  6. Katz, Harry C. and Owen Darbishire, Converging Divergences: Worldwide Changes in Employment Systems
  7. Friedman, Gerald, State-Making and Labor Movements: France and the United States, 1876-1914
  8. Martin, Andrew, George Ross et al., The Brave New World of European Labor: European Trade Unions at the Millennium
  9. Bélanger, Yves et Robert Comeau, sous la direction de, La CSN : 75 ans d'action syndicale et sociale
  10. Levine, Gil, editor, Patrick Lenihan: From Irish Rebel to Founder of Canadian Public Sector Unionism
  11. Sainsaulieu, Ivan, La contestation pragmatique dans le syndicalisme autonome : la question du modèle SUD-PTT
  12. Barker, Kathleen and Kathleen Christensen, editors, Contingent Work: American Employment Relations in Transition
  13. Creese, Gillian, Contracting Masculinity: Gender, Class and Race in a White-Collar Union, 1944-1994
  14. Lastra Lastra, José Manuel, Derecho sindical
  15. Wardell, Mark, Thomas L. Steiger and Peter Meiksins, editors, Rethinking the Labor Process
  16. Mabey, Christopher, Graeme Salaman et John Storey, sous la direction de, Strategic Human Resource Management : A Reader
  1. Publications récentes
  2. Livres reçus

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