L'auteur cherche ici à établir un parallèle entre l'évolution du contexte affaires des organisations et le renouvellement de la fonction formation et développement de la main-d’œuvre. L'un des principaux défis des intervenants en ce domaine réside alors dans la capacité de ceux-ci à mobiliser des stratégies d'apprentissage qui favorisent la synergie entre les savoirs tacites et explicites facilitant ainsi la création de nouveaux savoirs collectifs qui sont à la base de l'innovation diffuse.
Recent research on the new competitiveness of organizations indicates that the value added of the Human Resources function now depends on its capacity for strategie redeployment. This realignment also necessitates a restructuring of the roles played by HR professionals and a new set of skills that need to be acquired. These considerations also apply to the employee training and development function.
The objective of this article is to establish a parallel between the changing business environment of organizations and the revamping of the employee training and development function. More particularly, we show that organizations are increasingly operating in the context of a knowledge-based economy in which their competitive advantage depends on their capacity to identify critical knowledge, to transform this knowledge and to integrate it into their business processes. This new competitiveness is also based on diffuse innovation, which can be equated to a process of creation of new organizational knowledge in context. From this perspective, one of the principal challenges facing those involved in employee training and development is their ability to develop learning strategies that will promote synergy between tacit and explicit knowledge, thereby facilitating the creation of the new collective knowledge upon which diffuse innovation is based. This process is based in particular on new information and communication technologies and on the work team as the site of learning.
El autor busca en este documento establecer un paralelo entre la evoluciòn del contexto de los negocios de las organizaciones y la renovaciòn de la funciòn de la formaciòn y el desarrollo de la mano de obra. Uno de los principales desafìos de los intervenientes en este campo réside por lo tanto en la capacidad de estos de movilizar las estrategias de aprendizaje que favorisan la sinergia entre los conocimientos tàcitos y explicitas facilitando asì la creaciòn de nuevos conocimientos colectivos que son la base de la innovaciòn difusa.
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