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Cournoyer, Michel. "Forging Business-Labour Partnerships : The Emergence of Sector Councils in Canada édité par Morley GUNDERSON et Andrew SHARPE, Toronto : Published in cooperation with the Center for the Study of Living Standards by University of Toronto Press, 1998, 332 p., ISBN 0-8020-0904-2 (bound) and 0-8020-7885-0 (pbk.)." Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, volume 53, number 4, fall 1998, p. 776–779.
Cournoyer, M. (1998). Review of [Forging Business-Labour Partnerships : The Emergence of Sector Councils in Canada édité par Morley GUNDERSON et Andrew SHARPE, Toronto : Published in cooperation with the Center for the Study of Living Standards by University of Toronto Press, 1998, 332 p., ISBN 0-8020-0904-2 (bound) and 0-8020-7885-0 (pbk.).] Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 53(4), 776–779.
- Chicago
Cournoyer, Michel "Forging Business-Labour Partnerships : The Emergence of Sector Councils in Canada édité par Morley GUNDERSON et Andrew SHARPE, Toronto : Published in cooperation with the Center for the Study of Living Standards by University of Toronto Press, 1998, 332 p., ISBN 0-8020-0904-2 (bound) and 0-8020-7885-0 (pbk.).". Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 53, no. 4 (1998) : 776–779.
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