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Adams, Roy J. "B.C. ROBERTS, Otto JACOBI, Bob JESSOP, Hans KASTENDIEK, Marino REGINI : Industrial Relations in Europe. The Imperatives of Change. Beckenham, England, 1986, 279 pp., ISBN 0-7099-4212-5 / Otto JACOBI, Bob JESSOP, Hans KASTENDIEK, Marino REGINI: Economic Crisis. Trade Unions and the State, Beckenham, England, 1986, 295 pp., ISBN 0-7099-1447-4." Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, volume 42, number 2, 1987, p. 448–450.
Adams, R. J. (1987). Review of [B.C. ROBERTS, Otto JACOBI, Bob JESSOP, Hans KASTENDIEK, Marino REGINI : Industrial Relations in Europe. The Imperatives of Change. Beckenham, England, 1986, 279 pp., ISBN 0-7099-4212-5 / Otto JACOBI, Bob JESSOP, Hans KASTENDIEK, Marino REGINI: Economic Crisis. Trade Unions and the State, Beckenham, England, 1986, 295 pp., ISBN 0-7099-1447-4]. Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 42(2), 448–450.
- Chicago
Adams, Roy J. "B.C. ROBERTS, Otto JACOBI, Bob JESSOP, Hans KASTENDIEK, Marino REGINI : Industrial Relations in Europe. The Imperatives of Change. Beckenham, England, 1986, 279 pp., ISBN 0-7099-4212-5 / Otto JACOBI, Bob JESSOP, Hans KASTENDIEK, Marino REGINI: Economic Crisis. Trade Unions and the State, Beckenham, England, 1986, 295 pp., ISBN 0-7099-1447-4". Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 42, no. 2 (1987) : 448–450.
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