Relations industrielles
Industrial Relations

Volume 41, Number 4, 1986

Table of contents (28 articles)


  1. Public Sector Collective Bargaining
  2. Le contrôle ouvrier sur l'organisation du travail: étude de cas en Grande-Bretagne
  3. Union Seniority Rules as a Determinant of Intra-Firm Job-Changes
  4. The Role of Ideology and Power in Systems Theory: Some Fundamental Shortcomings
  5. Sexual Harassment in Employment in Canada: Issues and Policies
  6. Alberta's Construction Labour Relations During the Recent Downturn
  7. Labour Market Imbalances in Canada, 1966-1983
  8. Screening and Human Capital Theory: An Empirical Test

Droit du travail

  1. La permission d'appel au tribunal du travail
  2. La double personnalité d'un concierge!


  1. Bargaining Units and Bargaining Power
  2. Developing a Measure of Industrial Relations Climate
  3. Décisions rendues par le Conseil canadien des relations du travail
  4. Changements dans les législations du travail au Canada

Recensions / Book Reviews

  1. Alton W.J. CRAIG : The System of Industrial Relations in Canada (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1986, 510 pp., ISBN 0-13-881194-6
  2. C.H. FOISY, D.E. LAVERY, L. MARTINEAU : Canada Labour Relations Board - Policies and Procedure. Toronto, Butterworths, 1986, 553 pp., ISBN 0-409-81975-1
  3. James A. SCHMIECHEN : Sweated Industries and Sweated Labor : The London Clothing Trades, 1860-1914. Urbana and Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 1984, 209 pp., ISBN 0-252-01024-8
  4. Linda STODDART : Conditions of Work and Quality of Working Life, a Directory of Institutions. Geneva, International Labour Office, 1986, 306 pp., ISBN 92-2-105328-8
  5. Stephen P. ROBBINS : Organizational Behavior. Concepts, Controversies and Applications. 3rd ed., Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1986, 554 pp., ISBN 0-13-641549-0-01
  6. Tom PETERS, Nancy AUSTIN : A Passion for Excellence. The Leadership Difference. New York, Random House, 1985, 437 pp., ISBN 0-394-54484 / John NAISBITT, Patricia ABURDENE : Reinventing the Corporation. Transforming your Job and your Company for the New Information Society. New York, Warner Books, 1985, 308 pp., ISBN 0-446-51284-2
  7. Jacques de MONLÉON : Marx et Aristote. Perspectives sur l'homme. Paris, FAC éditions, 1984, ISBN 0317-0179
  8. John H. JACKSON, Cyrill P. MORGAN, J.G.P. PROLILLO : Organization Theory : A Macro Perspective for Managing. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1986, 387 pp., ISBN 0-13-641572-5-01 / Gary DESSLER : Organization Theory : Integrating Structure and Behavior. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1986, 477 pp., ISBN 0-13-641-903-8-01
  9. Bernard PORTIS, David F. FULLERTON, Paul R. INGRAM : Quality Circles in Canada - A Review of Case Histories on Employee Involvement Programs. London, School of Business Administration, University of Western Ontario, 1986, 77 pp.
  10. Roger G. MARTIN : Annuaire du travail 1986-1987. Montréal, Productions INFORT, 1986
  1. Livres reçus
  2. Publications récentes
  3. Liste des appréciateurs 1986
  4. Index — volume 41 — 1986

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