Après avoir fait le tour des significations le plus souvent attribuées au concept, typiquement italien, de professionnalité, qui engendre des prises de positions multiples des partenaires sociaux et un discours envahissant, original mais non privé de rhétorique, des observateurs du système de relations industrielles, l'auteur livre quelques observations autour du thème choisi, qui ne se confond pas toujours avec le « professionnalisme », tel que ce vocable est employé respectivement en anglais et en français.
In Italy, the concept of "professionalità" has been at the centre of an important debate for some time. This term, which has no English equivalent, has been translated as "professionnalité" in French, and refers to a new way of categorizing work and workers. Union leaders, managers, public service and government officials give different meanings to the term. The author professes to classify and explicate the multiple definitions of "professionalità".
The term "professionalità" was first used by industrial workers, originally in the metal industry and, since, its use has been extended to other areas and groups of workers. The paper focuses on "professionalità" as perceived by managers in Italy, France and Spain.
To conclude, the author raises the issue of whether, in Italy, personnel and industrial relations services will be transformed into services in charge of "professionalità" as a result of changes and increasing complexity of their responsabilities.
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