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Weiss, Dimitri. "International Labour Law Reports, par Zvi H. Bar-Niv (Chairman), Benjamin Aaron, Thilo Ramm, Fokle Schmidt, Jean Maurice Verdier, Kenneth William Wedderburn (Editorial Board), Peter Elman (Coordinating Editor), Alphen ann den Rijn (Pays Bas), Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1978, volume I, 383 pp." Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, volume 34, number 4, 1979, p. 825–826.
Weiss, D. (1979). Review of [International Labour Law Reports, par Zvi H. Bar-Niv (Chairman), Benjamin Aaron, Thilo Ramm, Fokle Schmidt, Jean Maurice Verdier, Kenneth William Wedderburn (Editorial Board), Peter Elman (Coordinating Editor), Alphen ann den Rijn (Pays Bas), Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1978, volume I, 383 pp.] Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 34(4), 825–826.
- Chicago
Weiss, Dimitri "International Labour Law Reports, par Zvi H. Bar-Niv (Chairman), Benjamin Aaron, Thilo Ramm, Fokle Schmidt, Jean Maurice Verdier, Kenneth William Wedderburn (Editorial Board), Peter Elman (Coordinating Editor), Alphen ann den Rijn (Pays Bas), Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1978, volume I, 383 pp.". Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 34, no. 4 (1979) : 825–826.
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