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Dion, Gérard. "Collective Bargaining and Public Benefit Conferral: A Jurisprudential Critique by Robert S. Summers. Institute of Public Employment Monograph No. 7, Ithaca, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 1976, 65 pp." Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, volume 32, number 2, 1977, p. 285–285.
Dion, G. (1977). Review of [Collective Bargaining and Public Benefit Conferral: A Jurisprudential Critique by Robert S. Summers. Institute of Public Employment Monograph No. 7, Ithaca, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 1976, 65 pp.] Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 32(2), 285–285.
- Chicago
Dion, Gérard "Collective Bargaining and Public Benefit Conferral: A Jurisprudential Critique by Robert S. Summers. Institute of Public Employment Monograph No. 7, Ithaca, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 1976, 65 pp.". Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 32, no. 2 (1977) : 285–285.
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