Relations industrielles
Industrial Relations

Volume 30, Number 3, 1975

Table of contents (26 articles)

  1. Inflation et fiscalité
  2. Who Wants Collective Bargaining Any Way?
  3. Managerial Attitudes Toward Industrial Relations : A U.S.-Canadian Comparison
  4. Inventaire de satisfaction au travail : validation
  5. The Effects of Job Design on Turnover, Absenteeism and Health
  6. The Canadian Experiment with Voluntary Incomes Restraint, Degree of Labour Organization and Cyclical Sensitivity of Employement
  7. Wage Differentials and Market Imperfections: Some Cross Section Results in Canadian Manufacturing Industries
  8. Determinants of the Demand for Manpower Training : Some Empirical Results
  9. Some Effects of Physician Licensing Requirements on Medical Manpower Flows in Canada
  10. The Structure and Function of Israeli Employers’ Associations
  11. La qualification des cadres hiérarchiques par le Code du travail
  12. Le personnel dans l’entreprise : terminologie


Recensions / Book Reviews

  1. Personnel and Industrial Relations : A Managerial Approach, by John B. Miner and Mary G. Miner, New York, The MacMillan Co., (2nd edition), 1973, 595 pp.
  2. Les relations de travail à l’usine, par Renaud Sainsaulieu, Paris, Coll. Sociologie des organisations, Éditions de l’Organisation, 1972, 295 pp.
  3. Labor and Management, the Great Contemporary Issues, by Richard B. Morris, Advisory editor, New York, The New York Times, Arno Press, 1973, 508 pp.
  4. Manpower Planning for Local Labor Markets, by Garth L. Mangum and David Snedeker, Salt Lake City, Olympus Publishing Co., 1974, 335 pp.
  5. Motivation and Commitment, by Dale Yoder and Herbert G. Heneman, (ed.) ASPA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations Vol. II, Washington, 1975, 255 p.
  6. The Naked Manager, by E. Dichter, Toronto, Macmillan of Canada, 1974, XII, 156 pp.
  7. Le travail dans l’entreprise et la société modernes, (sous la direction de) Pierre Morin, Paris, C.E.P.L., 1974, 512 pp.
  8. The Economics of Labor and Collective Bargaining, by William H. Miernyk, Toronto, D.C. Health and Company, 1973, 531 pp.
  9. Personnel Management, Reaching Organizational and Human Goals, par Joseph P. Yaney, Columbus, Charles E. Merrill, 1975, xvi + 428 p.
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