Relations industrielles
Industrial Relations

Volume 30, Number 2, 1975

Table of contents (23 articles)

  1. Facteurs affectant l’offre de travail : les personnes à faible revenu
  2. On the Relationship Between Job Involvement and Central Life Interest
  3. Hidden Unemployement by Age and Sex in Canada : 1957-1970
  4. The Economics of Bargaining Rights in the Fisheries of Nova Scotia and Atlantic Canada
  5. The Relationship Between Public and Private Sector Wages in Alberta


  1. A Note on Manpower Forecasting
  2. Management Science – How Goes Its Philosophy
  3. Les mouvements du personnel dans l’entreprise – terminologie
  4. Malaise des cadres et critique des solutions proposées : application aux cadres intermédiaires des affaires sociales

Recensions / Book Reviews

  1. Strike : A Live History, 1887-1971, by R.A. Leeson, London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1973, 246 pp.
  2. Years of Hard Labour, par Morden Lazarus, Don Mills, Ontario Federation of Labour, 1974, 115 pp.
  3. Guaranteed Annual Income : An Integrated Approach, Papers and Proceedings of the Nuffield Canadian Seminar, Ottawa, Canadian Council on Social Development, 1973, 333 p.
  4. Sécurité sociale, par J. Ghestin, Paris, Dalloz, 1972, 103 pp.
  5. Organizational Behavior : Critical Incidents and Analysis, par John F. Murray et Thomas J. von Der Embse, Columbus, Ohio, Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1973, 304 pp.
  6. Traité de droit administratif canadien et québécois, par René Dussault, tomes I et II, Québec, P.U.L., 1974, 2016 pp.
  7. Public Employee Unionism : Structure, Growth, Policy, by Jack Stieber, Washington, D.C., The Brookins Institution, 1973, 256 pp.
  8. Employement and Earning Inadequacy : A New Social Indicator, by Sar A. Levitan and Robert Taggart III, Baltimore and London, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Policy Studies in Employment and Welfare No 19, 1974, 113 pp.
  9. Counter Point : The Changing Employement Service, by Miriam Johnson, Salt Lake City, Utah, Olympus Publishing Company, 1973, 197 pp.
  10. Les systèmes d’information aux fins de gestion, par Rolland Hurtubise, Montréal, Les Presses de l’Université du Québec, 1974, xvi + 150 p.
  11. Contemporary Issues in Canadian Personnel Administration, by H. C. Jain, Scarborough, Ontario, Prentice-Hall of Canada, 1974, 376 pp.
  12. Career Education, by August C. Bolino, New York, Praeger Publishers, 1973, 234 pp.
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