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Bélanger, Gérard. "Sylvia Ostry (sous la direction de), Canadian Higher Education in the Seventies, a collection of abridged papers presented at a seminar sponsored by the Economic Council of Canada on Octobre 1971, Information Canada, Ottawa, 1972, 310 pp." Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, volume 27, number 4, 1972, p. 802–806.
Bélanger, G. (1972). Review of [Sylvia Ostry (sous la direction de), Canadian Higher Education in the Seventies, a collection of abridged papers presented at a seminar sponsored by the Economic Council of Canada on Octobre 1971, Information Canada, Ottawa, 1972, 310 pp.] Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 27(4), 802–806.
- Chicago
Bélanger, Gérard "Sylvia Ostry (sous la direction de), Canadian Higher Education in the Seventies, a collection of abridged papers presented at a seminar sponsored by the Economic Council of Canada on Octobre 1971, Information Canada, Ottawa, 1972, 310 pp.". Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 27, no. 4 (1972) : 802–806.
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