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Sichel, Joan. "Issues in Indian Labour Policy. Papers and Conclusions of the Fourth National Seminar on Industrial Relations in a Developing Economy, by C.K. Johri, Editor 1968. New Delhi : Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations, 1969, 344 pp." Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, volume 25, number 2, 1970, p. 385–386.
Sichel, J. (1970). Review of [Issues in Indian Labour Policy. Papers and Conclusions of the Fourth National Seminar on Industrial Relations in a Developing Economy, by C.K. Johri, Editor 1968. New Delhi : Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations, 1969, 344 pp.] Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 25(2), 385–386.
- Chicago
Sichel, Joan "Issues in Indian Labour Policy. Papers and Conclusions of the Fourth National Seminar on Industrial Relations in a Developing Economy, by C.K. Johri, Editor 1968. New Delhi : Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations, 1969, 344 pp.". Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 25, no. 2 (1970) : 385–386.
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