Volume 4, Number 2, 1973
Table of contents (7 articles)
Notes, informations et documents
Yohannes Berhane. — Delict and Torts : An Introduction to the Sources of the Law of Civil Wrongs in Contemporary Ethiopia (Arts. 2027-2161 of the Ethiopian Civil Code of 1960), Asmara, 11 Poligrafico P.L.C. 1969, XXIV, 392 p. / George Krzeczunowicz. — The Ethiopian Law of Extra-contractual Liability, Addis-Ababa, Faculty of Law, 1970, XV, 181 p.
J. R. Wegner. — A Bibliography of Israel Law, In English and Other European Languages, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Law, Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative law, Jerusalem 1972, 124 p.