Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance et Réforme

Volume 47, Number 1, Winter 2024

Table of contents (33 articles)


  1. The Prospects and Perils of Humanist Discourse
  2. African Latin in Early Modern Thought: Language, Race, and Philology
  3. Daily Beauty: A Reading of Bruni's Laudatio Florentinae Urbis
  4. Teaching Aristotelian Ethics at the Racovian Academy: Considerations around Johann Crell’s Ethica Aristotelica
  5. “This Forcèd League”: The Compassionate Body in The Rape of Lucrece

Digital Resource Reviews / Comptes-rendus sur les ressources numériques

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Andreini, Isabella. Lovers’ Debates for the Stage: A Bilingual Edition. Ed. and trans. Pamela Allen Brown, Julie D. Campbell, and Eric Nicholson
  2. Bebel, Heinrich. Facetiae: Jokes and Funny Stories from the Sixteenth Century. Ed. and trans. Sebastian Coxon
  3. Claire, Lucie. Marc-Antoine Muret lecteur de Tacite. Éditer et commenter les Annales à la Renaissance
  4. Clément, Michèle, Isabelle Garnier et Dariusz Kraczyk, dir. L’autorité de la parole spirituelle féminine en français au XVIe siècle
  5. De Divitiis, Bianca, ed. A Companion to the Renaissance in Southern Italy (1350–1600)
  6. Horodowich, Elizabeth, and Alexander Nagel. Amerasia
  7. Johnson, Toria. Pity and Identity in the Age of Shakespeare
  8. Kimura, Asuka. Performing Widowhood on the Early Modern English Stage
  9. Mangili, Adrien. D’os et de vent. Penser la baleine à la Renaissance
  10. Marsh, Geoffrey. Living with Shakespeare: Saint Helen’s Parish, London, 1593–1598
  11. Martin, Philippe, dir. Produire et vendre des livres religieux. Europe occidentale, fin XVe siècle–fin XVIIe siècle
  12. Mothu, Alain. Une philosophie des Antipodes. Athéisme et politique dans le Cymbalum mundi
  13. Murray, Jacqueline, ed. The Male Body and Social Masculinity in Premodern Europe
  14. Nadler, Steven. Descartes: The Renewal of Philosophy
  15. Savonarola, Michele. A Mother’s Manual for the Women of Ferrara: A Fifteenth-Century Guide to Pregnancy and Pediatrics. Ed. Gabriella Zuccolin. Trans. Martin Marafioti
  16. Schwab, Maren Elisabeth, and Anthony Grafton. The Art of Discovery: Digging into the Past in Renaissance Europe
  17. Sherman, Anita Gilman. Skepticism in Early Modern English Literature: The Problems and Pleasures of Doubt
  18. Sponde, Jean de. Poésies complètes. Éd. Christiane Deloince-Louette et Sabine Lardon
  19. Weissbourd, Emily. Bad Blood: Staging Race Between Early Modern England and Spain
  20. Zangari, Mattia. Santità femminile e disturbi mentali fra Medioevo ed età moderna

Books Received / Livres reçus


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