Volume 43, Number 1, Winter 2020
Table of contents (58 articles)
Becoming “Indians”: The Jesuit Missionary Path from Italy to Asia
A Love That Reforms: Improving Gender Relations by Contesting Typologies of Women in La Comédie de Mont-de-Marsan and L’Heptaméron 10 and 42
“What condition will not miserable men accept?”: Hegemonic Masculinity in John Lyly’s Galatea
Spenser’s Sprites: Platonic Daemons in The Faerie Queene
“Not so much perdition as an hair”: The Political Deployment of Christian Patience in The Tempest
Digital Resource Reviews / Comptes-rendus sur les ressources numériques
Moore, Shawn, and Jacob Tootalian, principal investigators. Digital Cavendish: A Scholarly Collaborative. Other
Bauer, Ralph, gen. ed. Early Americas Digital Archive
Cave, Richard, gen. ed., Michael Leslie, Eleanor Lowe, Lucy Munro, Marion O’Connor, Helen Ostovich, Julie Sanders, Elizabeth Schafer, Matthew Steggle, eds. Richard Brome Online. Edition
Adams, Robyn, ed. and technical director. The Diplomatic Correspondence of Thomas Bodley, 1585–1597. Database
Roger Clegg, principal investigator, and Eric Tatham, developer. Reconstructing the Rose: 3D Computer Modelling Philip Henslowe’s Playhouse. Other
Daybell, James, and Kim McLean-Fiander, co-directors. Women’s Early Modern Letters Online [WEMLO]
Wilkinson, Hazel, principal investigator. Fleuron: A Database of Eighteenth-Century Printers’ Ornaments
O’Callaghan, Michelle, ed. Verse Miscellanies Online: Printed Poetry Collections of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Leong, Elaine, Lisa Smith, Amanda E. Herbert, R.A. Kashanipour, Sarah Peters Kernan, Joshua Schlachet, Laurence Totelin, Jess Clark, et al., eds. The Recipes Project—Food, Magic, Art, Science, and Medicine. Other
Hooks, Adam G., and Zachary Lesser, project leads. Shakespeare Census; Stapleton, Michael, project lead. SHAKEDSETC.ORG. Other
Book reviews / Comptes rendus
Alfie, Fabian, and Aileen F. Feng. The Poetry of Burchiello: Deep-fried Nouns, Hunchbacked Pumpkins, and Other Nonsense
Ancín, Miguel González, and Otis Towns. Miguel Servet en España (1506–1527). Edición ampliada
Artese, Charlotte, ed. Shakespeare and the Folktale: An Anthology of Stories
Baldassarri, Stefano U., and Fabrizio Lelli, eds. Umanesimo e cultura ebraica nel Rinascimento italiano
Balsamo, Jean. La Parole de Montaigne: littérature et humanisme civil dans les Essais
Borlik, Todd Andrew, ed. Literature and Nature in the English Renaissance: An Ecocritical Anthology
Bourgeois, Louise. Midwife to the Queen of France: Diverse Observations. Trans. Stephanie O’Hara. Ed. Alison Klairmont Lingo.
Burn, David J., Grantley R. McDonald, Joseph Verheyden, and Peter De Mey, eds. Music and Theology in the European Reformations
Chesney Zegura, Elizabeth. Marguerite de Navarre’s Shifting Gaze: Perspectives on Gender, Class, and Politics in the Heptaméron
Ciriacono, Salvatore. Luxury Production, Technological Transfer and International Competition in Early Modern Europe
Colahan, Clark, Jagoda Marszalek, and Pedro Manuel Suárez-Martínez, eds. El Colloquium elegans de Bernal Díaz de Luco. Tradición senequista, eclesiástica y picaresca
Colin, Marie-Alexis, ed. French Renaissance Music and Beyond: Studies in Memory of Frank Dobbins
Coonin, A. Victor. Donatello and the Dawn of Renaissance Art
D’Amico, Silvia et Susanna Gambino Longo, éds. Le savoir italien sous les presses lyonnaises à la Renaissance
Desan, Philippe, Déborah Knop, and Blandine Perona, eds. Montaigne, une rhétorique naturalisée ? Actes du colloque international tenu à l’University of Chicago (Paris) les 7 et 8 avril 2017
De Smet, Ingrid A. R., and Paul White, eds. Sodalitas litteratorum. Le compagnonnage littéraire néo-latin et française à la Renaissance. Études à la mémoire de / Studies in memory of Philip Ford
Duplessis-Mornay, Charlotte Arbaleste, Anne de Chaufepié, and Anne Marguerite Petit du Noyer. The Huguenot Experience of Persecution and Exile: Three Women’s Stories. Ed. Colette H. Winn. Trans. Lauren King and Colette H. Winn.
Griffin, Andrew. Untimely Deaths in Renaissance Drama: Biography, History, Catastrophe
Haglund, Timothy. Rabelais’s Contempt of Fortune: Pantagruelism, Politics, and Philosophy
Houghton, L. B. T., and Marco Sgarbi, eds. Virgil and Renaissance Culture
Jones, Pamela M., Barbara Wisch, and Simon Ditchfield, eds. A Companion to Early Modern Rome, 1492–1692
Klaassen, Frank, ed. Making Magic in Elizabethan England
Loh, Maria H. Titian’s Touch: Art, Magic and Philosophy
Luther, Martin. The Essential Luther. Ed. and trans., with an intro. by Tryntje Helfferich.
Magnusson, Lynne, with David Schalkwyk, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare’s Language
Mattison, Andrew. Solitude and Speechlessness: Renaissance Writing and Reading in Isolation
Overell, M. Anne. Nicodemites: Faith and Concealment between Italy and Tudor England
Posset, Franz. Respect for the Jews. Foreword by Yaacov Deutch.
Raggio, Osvaldo. Feuds and State Formation, 1550–1700: The Backcountry of the Republic of Genoa
Rampton, Martha, ed. European Magic and Witchcraft: A Reader
Ron, Nathan. Erasmus and the “Other”: On Turks, Jews, and Indigenous Peoples
Schmidt, Thomas et Christian Thomas Leitmeir, éds. The Production and Reading of Music Sources. Mise-en-page in Manuscripts and Printed Books Containing Polyphonic Music, 1480–1530
Schotte, Margaret E. Sailing School: Navigating Science and Skill, 1550–1800
Sgarbi, Marco. Francesco Robortello (1516–1567): Architectural Genius of the Humanities
Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Ed. Robert S. Miola.
Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. Ed. Peter Hulme and William H. Sherman.
Terruggia, Angela Maria (†), Francesco Santucci, Gina Scentoni, and Daniele Sini. Il laudario “Illuminati” e la costellazione assisiate, con un saggio di Mara Nerbano
Tyard, Pontus de. OEuvres complètes. Tome II, 1. Solitaire premier, ou, Discours des Muses. Éd. Jean-Claude Carron.
Venturi, Francesco, ed. Self-Commentary in Early Modern European Literature, 1400–1700
Warren, Nancy Bradley. Chaucer and Religious Controversies in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras
Webster, Susan Verdi. Lettered Artists and the Languages of Empire: Painters and the Profession in Early Colonial Quito
Wood, Christopher S. A History of Art History