Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance et Réforme

Volume 38, Number 2, Spring 2015

Table of contents (26 articles)


  1. Nicholas of Cusa’s Dialogue with Augustine: The Measure of the Soul’s Greatness in De Ludo Globi
  2. Symbiotic Anthropology and Politics in a Postmodern Age: Rethinking the Political Philosophy of Johannes Althusius (1557–1638)
  3. What the Monk’s Habit Hides: Excavating the Silent Truths in Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptaméron 31
  4. Broken Lutes and Passionate Bodies in A Woman Killed with Kindness
  5. “Nature’s Bastards”: Grafted Generation in Early Modern England


Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Ainsworth, Maryan W. and Joshua P. Waterman. German Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1350–1600
  2. Austen, Katherine. Book M: A London Widow’s Life Writings. Ed. Pamela S. Hammons
  3. Bailey, Amanda. Of Bondage: Debt, Property, and Personhood in Early Modern England
  4. Boitani, Piero. The Gospel According to Shakespeare. Trans. Vittorio Montemaggi and Rachel Jacoff
  5. Casas, Bartolomé de las. Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias. Ed. José Miguel Martínez Torrejón
  6. Christ-von Wedel, Christine. Erasmus of Rotterdam: Advocate of a New Christianity
  7. Cox, Virginia. Lyric Poetry by Women of the Italian Renaissance
  8. Dooley, Brendan. A Mattress Maker’s Daughter: The Renaissance Romance of Don Giovanni de’ Medici and Livia Vernazza
  9. Feigenbaum, Gail with Francesco Freddolini. Display of Art in the Roman Palace 1550–1750
  10. Finucci, Valeria. The Prince’s Body: Vincenzo Gonzaga and Renaissance Medicine
  11. Goldstein, Claudia. Pieter Bruegel and the Culture of the Early Modern Dinner Party
  12. Heale, Martin, ed. The Prelate in England and Europe 1300–1560
  13. Kallendorf, Hilaire. Sins of the Fathers: Moral Economies in Early Modern Spain
  14. Kim, Sun-young. Luther on Faith and Love: Christ and the Law in the 1535 Galatians Commentary
  15. Pask, Kevin. The Fairy Way of Writing: Shakespeare to Tolkien
  16. Polizzi, Gilles, Véronique Duché et Trung Tran, éds. Cahier François Ier
  17. Radisson, Pierre-Esprit. The Collected Writings. Vol. 2. The Port Nelson Relations, Miscellaneous Writings, and Related Documents. Ed. Germaine Warkentin
  18. Saenger, Michael, ed. Interlinguicity, Internationality, and Shakespeare
  19. Smith, Helen and Louise Wilson, eds. Renaissance Paratexts
  20. Straznicky, Marta, ed. Shakespeare’s Stationers: Studies in Cultural Bibliography

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