Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance et Réforme

Volume 37, Number 4, Fall 2014 In Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary (II) En célébration du cinquantenaire 1964-2014 (II) Guest-edited by Hélène Cazes and Amyrose McCue Gill

Table of contents (13 articles)


  1. L’écriture féminine à la Renaissance française sous le regard des chercheurs canadiens
  2. Canadian Contributions to Anabaptist Studies since the 1960s
  3. Textes missionnaires dans l’espace francophone
  4. Forty Years of the Collected Works of Erasmus
  5. A Curatorial Model for Teaching Renaissance Book History in Canada
  6. Travaux sur la censure et les index des livres interdits réalisés à l’Université de Sherbrooke
  7. Making Scholarship Public: Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity in Early Modern Studies
  8. Building A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript
  9. Capstone and Cornerstone: Creating a Virtual Research Centre in Honours and Graduate Courses in Renaissance Literature
  10. Augmented Criticism, Extensible Archives, and the Progress of Renaissance Studies
  11. Digital Humanities and Renaissance Studies in Canada: A Graduate Student’s Perspective
  12. Word-entries and Big Data in Lexicons of Early Modern English
  13. Records of Early English Drama: A Retrospective

Back issues of Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme