Volume 37, Number 3, Summer 2014 In Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary (I) En célébration du cinquantenaire 1964-2014 (I) Guest-edited by Hélène Cazes and Amyrose McCue Gill
Table of contents (37 articles)
A Short History of Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme
Calling the World to Come and Share Our Finds: Three Memoirs and Some Highlights from the Founding of Renaissance and Reformation
Editors’ Recollections
CSRS/SCÉR (1976–2014) : une brève histoire de la Société canadienne d’études de la Renaissance / A Brief History of the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies
Recollections on the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Victoria University in the University of Toronto (2004 to 2014)
The Pacific Northwest Renaissance Society
The Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium: An Independent Intellectual Forum at Fifty Years
The Renaissance in Toronto: Early Modern Italian Books in the Collections of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
Froben Press Editions (1505–1559) in the Holdings of the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies Library: A Brief Survey
The Study of Renaissance and Reformation Books on the Canadian Prairies
Book Reviews
Atlas, Allan W. La Musique de la Renaissance en Europe (1400–1600)
Bamji, Alexandra, Geert H. Janssen, and Mary Laven, eds. The Ashgate Research Companion to the Counter-Reformation
Blasucci, Luigi. Sulla struttura metrica del «Furioso» e altri studi ariosteschi
Buccini, Stefania. Francesco Pona. L’ozio lecito della scrittura
Bucer, Martin. De vera et falsa caenae dominicae administratione (1546)
Buck, Lawrence P. The Roman Monster: An Icon of the Papal Antichrist in Reformation Polemics
Connelly, Frances S. The Grotesque in Western Art and Culture: The Image at Play
Creasman, Allyson F. Censorship and Civic Order in Reformation Germany, 1517–1648: “Printed Poison and Evil Talk”
Deitz, Luc, Timothy Kircher, and Jonathan Reid, eds. Neo-Latin and the Humanities: Essays in Honour of Charles E. Fantazzi
De Seyssel, Claude. La Monarchie de France
Grisone, Federico. The Rules of Riding: An Edited Translation of the First Renaissance Treatise on Classical Horsemanship
Johnson, Sarah E. Staging Women and the Soul-Body Dynamic in Early Modern England
Jurdjevic, Mark. A Great and Wretched City: Promise and Failure in Machiavelli’s Florentine Political Thought
Lepage, John L. The Revival of Antique Philosophy in the Renaissance
Lucioli, Francesco. Amore punito e disarmato. Parola e immagine da Petrarca all’Arcadia
Maifreda, Germano. I denari dell’inquisitore. Affari e giustizia di fede nell’Italia moderna
Mayer, Thomas F. The Roman Inquisition on the Stage of Italy, c. 1590–1640
Mounier, Pascale, et Nativel, Colette, éds. Copier et contrefaire à la Renaissance. Faux et usage de faux, Actes du colloque organisé par R.H.R. et la S.F.D.E.S. (29–31 octobre 2009, Université Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Ryle, Stephen, ed. Erasmus and the Renaissance Republic of Letters
Shantz, Douglas. An Introduction to German Pietism: Protestant Renewal at the Dawn of Modern Europe
Skenazi, Cynthia. Aging Gracefully in the Renaissance: Stories of Later Life from Petrarch to Montaigne
Soranzo, Matteo. Poetry and Identity in Quattrocento Naples
Sweetnam, Mark S. John Donne and Religious Authority in the Reformed English Church
Walsham, Alexandra. Catholic Reformation in Protestant Britain: Catholic Christendom 1300–1700
Wandel, Lee Palmer. The Reformation: Towards a New History