Renaissance and Reformation Renaissance et Réforme

Managing editor(s): Olivier Séguin-Brault ( / Editor(s): William R. Bowen (Editor), Megan Armstrong (Associate Editor), Renée-Claude Breitenstein (Associate Editor)


Renaissance and Reformation is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, bilingual quarterly. The journal publishes articles and book reviews on all aspects of the Renaissance, Reformation, and Early Modern world: literature, geography, history, religion, art, music, society, and economics. Articles on related periods of history are also considered.


Article Submissions
Managing Editor,

Book Review Submissions
Prof. Renée-Claude Breitenstein, Associate Editor,



Renaissance and Reformation
c/o Iter Press
J. P. Robarts Research Library
University of Toronto
130 St. George St.
Toronto, ON M5S 1A5

Book Reviews
Publishers may send books for review to:

Prof. Renée-Claude Breitenstein
Associate Editor, Renaissance and Reformation
Brock University
Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way
St. Catharines, Ontario
L2S 3A1


Institutions: $94.00 (on Érudit)
Individuals: $45.00

Rates are payable in CAD or USD.
Applicable provincial and federal taxes will be added for subscriptions purchased in CAD.

Open Access Policy

One year after publication, issues are openly accessible via Journal Production Services, University of Toronto Libraries.

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Institutions that wish to subscribe should contact

Back issues (57 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Articles are submitted to external double-blind review. In order to facilitate anonymous article evaluation, do not include author name(s) or other personal details in the body of the document.

Information for contributors

The journal welcomes previously unpublished articles in English or French on any aspect of the Renaissance, Reformation or Early Modern world. Prior to making a submission, authors should consult our Style Guide for Articles.

Please send articles, with abstracts, as e-mail attachments to the Managing Editor at Accepted file formats include .doc, .docx, and .rtf.

Editorial board

Editorial Board

Kenneth Borris, McGill University (2020­– )
Dennis Britton, University of New Hampshire (2021­– )
Erin J. Campbell, University of Victoria (2020­– )
Gianni Cicali, Georgetown University (2017­– )
Luke Clossey, Simon Fraser University (2022­– )
Véronique Ferrer, Université Paris Nanterre (2021­– )
Tamar Herzig, Tel Aviv University (2021­– )
Elaine Leong, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (2016­– )
Christina Luckyj, Dalhousie University (2015­– )
Ricardo Padrón, University of Virginia (2020­– )
Erin Rowe, Johns Hopkins University (2022­– )
Tristan Vigliano, Aix-Marseille Université (2021­– )

Advisory Board

Heather Easterling, President, Pacific Northwest Renaissance Society (2022-)
Kenneth Graham, President, Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies / Société canadienne d’études de la Renaissance (2022-)
Ethan Matt Kavaler, Director, Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, Victoria University (2022-)
Nicholas Terpstra, Chair, Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium (2022-)