Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos

Managing editor(s): Odile Cisneros, Rachel Schmidt


Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos (RCEH) was founded in June 1975 as a joint project of Carleton University and the Canadian Association of Hispanists (ACH). Its inaugural issue published in Fall 1976 featureded the Nobel Prize winner Octavio Paz. RCEH is the ACH’s official publication. Each yearly volume consists of 3 issues. Starting with volume 24, RCEH produces one special and two regular issues per year. With issue 44.1, shipped in May 2021, the journal has achieved 45 years of continuous publication. Currently volumes span approximately 600 pages, up from 400 in earlier volumes, which speaks to the journal’s academic reach and number of submissions it attracts. We publish in print and electronically on a delayed open-access basis (with a 12-month moving wall) through the University of Ottawa’s open scholarly journals portal: RCEH. The entire archive of RCEH, with the exception of the last three issues) is also available on JSTOR.

From its founding, RCEH’s mandate has been to provide a Canada-based international forum for research exchange and academic inquiry in Hispanic Studies. We welcome a wide range of methods and approaches. Our goal is to showcase high-quality work by both young and established Canadian and international scholars, including exceptionally gifted graduate students. We attract between eighty and one hundred submissions per year from scholars worldwide (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Mexico, United States, Turkey, Colombia, etc.). This figure reflects the journal’s reputation as top venue in Hispanic Studies. RCEH’s prestige clearly enhances the visibility of Canadian research and institutions on the international academic sphere. Overall, we strive to remain a forum of excellence and maintain our standing as a leading journal in our discipline.

RCEH publishes original articles on Hispanic cultures, including research on the national literatures of Spanish America, Spain, the Spanish-speaking Caribbean, and, more recently, Spanish African and US Latino culture. Of the circa 100 submissions we receive per year, only 20 are selected for publication (on average, an 80% rejection rate). Articles undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review by two or three top specialists in the field. Guidelines sent to evaluators are intended to unambiguously guarantee that all essays published in RCEH meet SSHRC’s definition of “article”: “a record of previously unpublished, high-quality, original research or scholarship that has been accepted for publication after a peer review process.” Regular issues also include a book review section, with about 35 book reviews published yearly, along with a list of books received. Aiming for the highest professional standards, we strive to avoid any kind of conflict of interest that would taint the article peer-review or book-review process. All our processes are also designed to ensure that the content we publish is directly relevant to the journal’s mission and objectives.


Back issues (6 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.