Volume 8, Number 1, 1929
Table of contents (17 articles)
Ottawa 1929
Sir Edmund Head and Canadian Confederation, 1851-1858: Presidential Address
Report of the Secretary-Treasurer
Report of the Assembly of the International Committee of Historical Sciences
John Work’s First Journal, 1823-1824
The Election of Canada to the League of Nations Council in 1927
Condition of Public Records in the Maritime Provinces
L’honorable Louis-Joseph Papineau
The Choice of Kingston as the Capital of Canada, 1839-1841
Some Neglected Aspects of Canadian History
Les fonctions de l’intendant
French Canadian Art
The Place of the Red River Settlement in the Plans of the Hudson’s Bay Co., 1812-1825
Travel Literature as Source Material for the History of Upper Canada, 1791-1840
The Frontier School and Canadian History