Volume 47, Number 2, 2022 salt. For the preservation of Black diasporic visual histories salt. Pour la préservation des récits historiques visuels des diasporas noires Guest-edited by Pamela Edmonds and Joana Joachim
Table of contents (22 articles)
Editors’ Note
Mot de la rédaction
Introduction: salt. For the preservation of Black diasporic visual histories
Introduction : salt. Pour la préservation des récits historiques visuels des diasporas noires
Africa is the Future : un film de Nicolas Premier : aux confluences des expériences africaines et afrodescendantes qui transcendent l’espace-temps – ou comment guérir de traumatismes répétés ?
“It has just begun”: Strawcraft in Bahamian Visual Culture
More Life—Beyond the Archival & the Algorithmic
Spoken Softly with Mama: Memory, Monuments, and Black Women’s Spaces in Cuba
Interview / Entrevue
Practices / Pratiques
Thematic Reviews / Recensions thématiques
Teju Cole, Liz Ikiriko, Mark Sealy, et al., As We Rise: Photography from the Black Atlantic: Selections from the Wedge Collection, New York: Aperture, 2021, 184 pp. 142 b/w and colour illus., $65.00 (hardcover) ISBN9781597115100
Blackity, Artexte, Montreal September 23, 2021 to June 23, 2022, Curated by Joana Joachim
Julie Crooks, ed., Fragments of Epic Memory, Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario/DelMonico Books D.A.P., 2021, 274 pp. 100 colour, 50 b/w illus., $40.00 (hardcover) ISBN 9781636810126
Jan Wade et al., Jan Wade: Soul Power, exh. cat., Vancouver: Information Office and the Vancouver Art Gallery, 2022, 176 pp. 150+ colour illus., $35.00 (paper) ISBN 9781988860138
Tina M. Campt, A Black Gaze: Artists Changing How We See, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021, 232 pp. 78 colour & 33 b/w illus., $29.95 US (hardcover) ISBN 9780262045872 $24.95 US (paper) ISBN 9780262546058 (February 2023)
Stan Douglas: Revealing Narratives, PHI Foundation, Montreal, February 9 to May 22, 2022, Curated by Cheryl Sim
Reviews / Recensions
Martha Langford and Johanne Sloan, eds., Photogenic Montreal: Activisms and Archives in a Post-industrial City, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021, 368 pp. 136 colour illus., $49.95 (hardcover) ISBN 9780228008576
Anuradha Gobin, Picturing Punishment: The Spectacle and Material Afterlife of the Criminal Body in the Dutch Republic, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021, 304 pp. 75 b&w & 25 colour illus., $80.00 (hardcover) ISBN 9781487503802 $80.00 (ePub) ISBN 9781487518813
Elsa Guyot, Rejouer l’histoire. Le Moyen Âge dans les musées du Québec, Montréal, Leméac Éditeur, 2021, 182 pp. $23.95 (papier) ISBN 9782760906136 $18.99 (ePub) ISBN 9782760967243
Tammy Gaber, Beyond the Divide: A Century of Canadian Mosque Design, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022, 304 pp. 306 photos, 135 drawings, all colour, $95.00 (cloth) ISBN 9780228008262