Volume 43, Number 2, 2018 What is Critical Curating? Qu’est-ce que le commissariat engagé ? Guest-edited by Marie Fraser and Alice Ming Wai Jim
Table of contents (23 articles)
Editors’ Note / Mot de la rédaction
Introduction: What is Critical Curating? / Introduction : qu’est-ce que le commissariat engagé ?
Ouverture pour cause d’inventaire. Figures et significations de l’exhaustivité en exposition
International Contemporaneity and the Third Havana Bienal (1989)
“Embodiment and Subjectivity”: Intersectional Black Feminist Curatorial Practices in Canada
L’artiste contemporain dans les musées d’ethnographie ou la « promesse » d’un commissariat engagé
Le détournement du commissariat : l’exposition chorégraphique chez Boris Charmatz et Xavier Le Roy
Keepers of the Bio Art Laboratory: Mangling Methods and Curating Critically
No Small Matter: Micromuseums as Critical Institutions
What is Critical Curating? / Qu’est-ce que le commissariat engagé ?
Reviews / Recensions
UNCEDED: Voices of the Land, 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale, May 26–November 25, 2018, Lead Architect: Douglas Cardinal, Curators: David Fortin and Gerald McMaster
Caroline A. Jones, The Global Work of Art: World’s Fairs, Biennials, and the Aesthetic of Experience, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017, 400 pp. 37 colour plates, 128 b/w illus., $ 65 (cloth) ISBN 9780226291741
Jocelyn Jean, Gilles Lapointe, Ginette Michaud, eds., Edmund Alleyn, Indigo sur tous les tons, Montréal : Les éditions du passage, 2005, 280 pp., 100+ colour & b/w illus., Out of print (paper) ISBN 2-922892-14-X / Edmund Alleyn, De jour, de nuit: Écrits sur l’art, Jennifer Alleyn and Gilles Lapointe, eds., Montréal : Les éditions du passage, 2013, 102 pp. 49 b/w & colour illus., $ 19.95 (paper) ISBN 978-2-922892-65-9 / Mark Lanctôt, ed., Edmund Alleyn: Dans mon atelier, je suis plusieurs, Montréal : Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, 2016, 216 pp. 100+ b/w & colour illus., $ 39.95 (paper) ISBN 978-2-551-25749-2 / Gilles Lapointe, Edmund Alleyn: Biographie, Montréal : Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2017, 448 p. 100 + b/w & colour illus., $ 59.95 (paper) ISBN 978-2-7606-3712-2
Fabrizio Ricciardelli, Andrea Zorzi, eds., Emotions, Passions, and Power in Renaissance Italy, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015, 256 pp. 19 b/w illus., € 85 (hardback) ISBN 9789089647368 / Jennifer Spinks, Charles Zika, eds., Disaster, Death and the Emotions in the Shadow of the Apocalypse, 1400–1700, London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016, 364 pp. 37 colour, 18 b/w illus., € 83 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-137-442700-3
Colleen Skidmore, Searching for Mary Schäffer: Women, Wilderness, Photography, Edmonton: The University of Alberta Press, 2017, 448 pp., 60 + colour illus., $34.95 (paper) ISBN: 9781772122985
From Africa to the Americas: Face to Face, Picasso Past and Present, Organized by the Musée de quai Branly–Jacques Chirac, in collaboration with the Musée national Picasso-Paris, and adapted by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Curator for the Montreal adaptation: Nathalie Bondil, Director General and Chief Curator of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts; assisted by Erell Hubert, Curator of Pre-Columbian Art, MMFA / Here We Are Here: Black Canadian Contemporary Art, Organized by the Royal Ontario Museum and adapted by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, May 12, 2018 to September 16, 2018, Curators: Sylvia Forni, Julie Crooks, and Dominique Fontaine; assisted by Geneviève Goyer-Ouimette, Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky, Curator of Quebec and Canadian Contemporary Art (from 1945 to Today), MMFA
Rina Arya and Nicholas Chare, eds., Abject Visions: Powers of Horror in Art and Visual Culture, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2016, 208 pp. 7 b/w illus., $ 31.31 (paper) ISBN 978-0-7190-9629-7
Maura Reilly, Curatorial Activism: Towards an Ethics of Curating, New York: Thames & Hudson, 2018, 240 pp. 107 colour illus., $ 32.95 (hardcover) ISBN 9780500239704
Martha Langford, ed., Narratives Unfolding: National Art Histories in an Unfinished World, Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2017, 437 pp. 100 colour illus., $ 39.95 (paper) ISBN 9780773549791,$ 120 (cloth) ISBN 9780773549784
Transmettre une philosophie de la tolérance : la collection Hoffmann et l’enseignement de Raymond Klibansky à l’Institut d’études médiévales, Carrefour des arts et des sciences, Université de Montréal, 20 mars au 15 juin 2018, Commissaire : Philippe Despoix
Joost Keizer, The Realism of Piero della Francesca, Londres/New York : Routledge (Ashgate), 2018, 145 pp. $US 150 (relié) ISBN 9781472461315, $US 49.46 (l. électronique) ISBN 9781315553641
Paul O’Neil, Mick Wilson, Lucy Steeds, eds., How Institutions Think: Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2017, 248 pp. 100 b/w illus, $ 34.95 (paper) ISBN 9780262534321