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Tite, Catherine. "Michael Snodin and Nigel Llewellyn, eds.; assisted by Joanna Norman, Baroque: Style in the Age of Magnificence, 1620–1800. Exhibition catalogue, London, V&A Publishing, 2009, 372 pp., 170 colour illust., $95, ISBN-978-1-85177-558-3." RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, volume 34, number 2, 2009, p. 95–96.
Tite, C. (2009). Review of [Michael Snodin and Nigel Llewellyn, eds.; assisted by Joanna Norman, Baroque: Style in the Age of Magnificence, 1620–1800. Exhibition catalogue, London, V&A Publishing, 2009, 372 pp., 170 colour illust., $95, ISBN-978-1-85177-558-3]. RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 34(2), 95–96.
- Chicago
Tite, Catherine "Michael Snodin and Nigel Llewellyn, eds.; assisted by Joanna Norman, Baroque: Style in the Age of Magnificence, 1620–1800. Exhibition catalogue, London, V&A Publishing, 2009, 372 pp., 170 colour illust., $95, ISBN-978-1-85177-558-3". RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 34, no. 2 (2009) : 95–96.
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