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Grison, Brian and Brett Stevens. "Ihor Holubizky, Walter Klepac, and Christopher Cutts, Kazuo Nakamura: The Method of Nature / La méthode de la nature. Oshawa, Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 2001, 126 pp., 11 halftone, 16 black-and-white, and 25 colour illus., $20 Cdn. / Bryce Kanbara, Tashme2: Early Work of Kazuo Nakamura. Toronto, Gendai Gallery, Japanese-Canadian Cultural Centre, 2001, 12 pp., 10 colour illus., $6 Cdn. / Richard William Hill, Kazuo Nakamura: A Human Measure. Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario, 2004, 78 pp., 15 halftone, 27 black-and-white, and 48 colour illus., $26 Cdn." RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, volume 32, number 1-2, 2007, p. 107–110.
Grison, B. & Stevens, B. (2007). Review of [Ihor Holubizky, Walter Klepac, and Christopher Cutts, Kazuo Nakamura: The Method of Nature / La méthode de la nature. Oshawa, Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 2001, 126 pp., 11 halftone, 16 black-and-white, and 25 colour illus., $20 Cdn. / Bryce Kanbara, Tashme2: Early Work of Kazuo Nakamura. Toronto, Gendai Gallery, Japanese-Canadian Cultural Centre, 2001, 12 pp., 10 colour illus., $6 Cdn. / Richard William Hill, Kazuo Nakamura: A Human Measure. Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario, 2004, 78 pp., 15 halftone, 27 black-and-white, and 48 colour illus., $26 Cdn.] RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 32(1-2), 107–110.
- Chicago
Grison, Brian and Stevens, Brett "Ihor Holubizky, Walter Klepac, and Christopher Cutts, Kazuo Nakamura: The Method of Nature / La méthode de la nature. Oshawa, Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 2001, 126 pp., 11 halftone, 16 black-and-white, and 25 colour illus., $20 Cdn. / Bryce Kanbara, Tashme2: Early Work of Kazuo Nakamura. Toronto, Gendai Gallery, Japanese-Canadian Cultural Centre, 2001, 12 pp., 10 colour illus., $6 Cdn. / Richard William Hill, Kazuo Nakamura: A Human Measure. Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario, 2004, 78 pp., 15 halftone, 27 black-and-white, and 48 colour illus., $26 Cdn.". RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 32, no. 1-2 (2007) : 107–110.
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