RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne
Canadian Art Review

Volume 32, Number 1-2, 2007

Table of contents (13 articles)

  1. A “Lost” Ivory Casket in the Gort Collection at the Winnipeg Art Gallery
  2. Who Was that Masked Man? An Alexandrian Bronze
  3. Art and the Gregorian Reform: Saints Peter and Clement in the Church of San Marco at Venice
  4. Grace Pailthorpe et Reuben Mednikoff à Vancouver. La transmission du surréalisme au Canada anglais, 1942–1946
  5. Theodulf of Orléans and the Ark of the Covenant: A New Allegorical Interpretation at Germigny-des-Prés
  6. Jacques Villon and the Tovell Family: A Canadian Connection with Modernism
  7. Body Politics and the Art of Norval Morrisseau
  8. The Wound on Christ’s Back in New Spain
  9. Un canadien errant: Charles Smeaton and the earliest photographs of the Roman Catacombs

Livres / Books

Back issues of RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review