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Ramsay, Ellen L. "Dawn Ades, Tim Benton, David Elliott and Iain Boyd Whyte, eds, Art and Power: Europe Under the Dictators, 1930-45. London, Thames and Hudson in association with the Hayward Gallery, 1995, 360 pp., 200 colour and 50 black-and-white illus., "Foreword" by Eric Hobsbawm, "Afterword" by Neil Ascherson." RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, volume 23, number 1-2, 1996, p. 116–119.
Ramsay, E. L. (1996). Review of [Dawn Ades, Tim Benton, David Elliott and Iain Boyd Whyte, eds, Art and Power: Europe Under the Dictators, 1930-45. London, Thames and Hudson in association with the Hayward Gallery, 1995, 360 pp., 200 colour and 50 black-and-white illus., "Foreword" by Eric Hobsbawm, "Afterword" by Neil Ascherson]. RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 23(1-2), 116–119.
- Chicago
Ramsay, Ellen L. "Dawn Ades, Tim Benton, David Elliott and Iain Boyd Whyte, eds, Art and Power: Europe Under the Dictators, 1930-45. London, Thames and Hudson in association with the Hayward Gallery, 1995, 360 pp., 200 colour and 50 black-and-white illus., "Foreword" by Eric Hobsbawm, "Afterword" by Neil Ascherson". RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 23, no. 1-2 (1996) : 116–119.
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