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Dodge, Barbara. "Martin Wackernagel, The World of the Florentine Renaissance Artist. Projects and Patrons, Workshop and Art Market, trans. by Alison Luchs. Princeton (n.j.), Princeton University Press, 1981. xxx + 447 pp., $37.50 (cloth), $14.50 (paper) / Bruce Cole, The Renaissance Artist at Work. From Pisano to Titian. New York. Harper and Row, 1983. viii + 216 pp., 110 illus., $28.95 (cloth)." RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, volume 13, number 1, 1986, p. 86–88.
Dodge, B. (1986). Review of [Martin Wackernagel, The World of the Florentine Renaissance Artist. Projects and Patrons, Workshop and Art Market, trans. by Alison Luchs. Princeton (n.j.), Princeton University Press, 1981. xxx + 447 pp., $37.50 (cloth), $14.50 (paper) / Bruce Cole, The Renaissance Artist at Work. From Pisano to Titian. New York. Harper and Row, 1983. viii + 216 pp., 110 illus., $28.95 (cloth)]. RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 13(1), 86–88.
- Chicago
Dodge, Barbara "Martin Wackernagel, The World of the Florentine Renaissance Artist. Projects and Patrons, Workshop and Art Market, trans. by Alison Luchs. Princeton (n.j.), Princeton University Press, 1981. xxx + 447 pp., $37.50 (cloth), $14.50 (paper) / Bruce Cole, The Renaissance Artist at Work. From Pisano to Titian. New York. Harper and Row, 1983. viii + 216 pp., 110 illus., $28.95 (cloth)". RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 13, no. 1 (1986) : 86–88.
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