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Le Coat, Gérard. "E.G. Gombrich, The Sense of Order: A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art. Ithaca (n.y.), Cornell University Press, 1979 (The Wrightsman Lectures, delivered under the auspices of the New York University of Fine Arts). 411 + xi p., 90 illus., 38,50 $." RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, volume 9, number 1-2, 1982, p. 115–117.
Le Coat, G. (1982). Review of [E.G. Gombrich, The Sense of Order: A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art. Ithaca (n.y.), Cornell University Press, 1979 (The Wrightsman Lectures, delivered under the auspices of the New York University of Fine Arts). 411 + xi p., 90 illus., 38,50 $]. RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 9(1-2), 115–117.
- Chicago
Le Coat, Gérard "E.G. Gombrich, The Sense of Order: A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art. Ithaca (n.y.), Cornell University Press, 1979 (The Wrightsman Lectures, delivered under the auspices of the New York University of Fine Arts). 411 + xi p., 90 illus., 38,50 $". RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 9, no. 1-2 (1982) : 115–117.
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