Volume 7, Number 1-2, 1980
Table of contents (36 articles)
Le sujet de la peinture et l’automatisme de Borduas
The Impact of Automatism on the Art of Jock Macdonald
Jock Macdonald: Letters from Europe, 1954-55
Juan Gris, son milieu et « le nombre d’or »
The Collaboration of Max Ernst and Paul Eluard: A Surrealist Model, 1922
The Cross-axial Houses of Samuel Maclure
Notes & Documents
Universities Art Association of Canada: Report on the 1980 Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, 12-15 March 1980
Société pour l’étude de l’architecture au Canada : rapport de la réunion annuelle tenue à Montréal, du 29 mai au 2 juin 1980
Situation du formalisme américain : compte rendu du colloque tenu au Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, du 3 au 5 octobre 1979
Expositions / Exhibitions
Un tableau de Borduas à Montréal / Borduas et La Fustigée. Une exposition présentée au Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, 17 juin – 20 septembre 1980
Peter Pitseolak at the McCord Museum / Peter Pitseolak (1902-1973), Inuit Historian of Seekooseelak. Photographs and Drawings from Cape Dorset, Baffin Island. An exhibition held at the McCord Museum, Montréal, 9 January – 9 March 1980
Printmaking in Canada / Printmaking in Canada: The Earliest Views and Portraits/Les débuts de l’estampe imprimée au Canada: vues et portraits. An exhibition held at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 18 April –25 May 1980; circulated to the McCord Museum, Montréal, 11 June –13 July; Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, 25 July –1 September
The Landscape Architecture of Frederick Todd / Frederick G. Todd: Landscape Architecture for Urban Canada, 1900-1940. An exhibition held at the McCord Museum, Montréal, 9 July – 21 September 1980. No catalogue
Two Looks at the Art Press / The Art Press: Two Centuries of Art Magazines. An exhibition organized by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and held at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, 10 February–25 March 1979 / The Art and Pictorial Press in Canada. An exhibition organized by and held at the Art Gallery of Ontario, 10 February–25 March 1979
Les expositions de l’année au Canada, 1979 / The Year's Exhibitions in Canada, 1979
Livres / Books
Ross A.C. Fox, Quebec and Related Silver at The Detroit Institute of Arts. Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1978, 174 p., 109 illus., $12.00
J. Russell Harper, Krieghoff. Toronto, Buffalo, and London, University of Toronto Press, 1979. 204 pp., 166 illus., $29.95
Bernard Genest, Massicotte et son temps. Montréal, Boréal Express, 1979. 240 p., 123 illus., $12.50
The Diary of George A. Lucas: An American Art Agent in Paris, 1857-1909. Transcribed and with an introduction by Lilian M.C. Randall. 2 vols. Princeton (New Jersey), Princeton University Press, 1979. xvi + 148 pp., 130 illus.; ix + 965 pp.; $50.00
Paul Hirshorn and Steven Izenour, White Towers. Cambridge (Mass.), mit Press, 1979. 189 pp., 315 illus., $17.50
Henri Lavagne, Recueil Général des Mosaïques de la Gaule.iii: Province de Narbonnaise 1. Partie Central, Xe supplément a ‘Gallia.’ Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1979. 169 pp., 72 illus.
Leopold D. Ettlinger, Antonio and Piero Pollaiuolo. Oxford, Phaidon Press, 1978. 183 pp., 162 illus., $90.00
Lillian Browse, Forain the Painter, 1852–1931. Londres, Paul Elek, 1978. 193 p., 86 illus., $29.95
Abbot Suger, on the Abbey Church of St. Denis and its Art Treasures. Révisé, traduit et annoté par Erwin Panofsky. Deuxième édition par Gerda Panofsky-Soergel. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1979. 285 + xix p., illus., $22.50, $9.95 (broché)
Myra Nan Rosenfeld, Sebastiano Serlio on Domestic Architecture: Different Dwellings from the Meanest Hovel to the Most Ornate Palace (The Sixteenth-Century Manuscript of Book vi in the Avery Library of Columbia University). Foreword by Adolf K. Placzek, introduction by James S. Ackerman. New York, Cambridge (Mass.), and London, The Architectural History Foundation and the mit Press, 1978. 87 pp., 130 illus., 143 facs. plates, $69.95
Nikolaus Pevsner et al., The Picturesque Garden and its Influence outside the British Isles. Washington (D.C.), Dumbarton Oaks/Harvard University, 1974. (Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture ii) 121 p., 103 illus., $10.00
James Lees-Milne, William Beckford. Montclair (N.J.), Allanheld and Schram, 1979. 128 + v pp., illus., $18,50
Richard G. Carrott, The Egyptian Revival: Its Sources, Monuments, and Meaning, 1808-1858. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1978. 221 pp., 136 illus., $20.00
Allan Braham, The Architecture of the French Enlightenment. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1980. 288 pp., 424 illus., $55.00
John Unrau, Looking at Architecture with Ruskin. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1978. 180 pp., illus., $15.00
Stanislaus Von Moos, Le Corbusier: Elements of a Synthesis. Cambridge (Mass.), mit Press, 1979. viii + 379 pp., 222 illus.
Stuart Wrede, The Architecture of Erik Gunnar Asplund. Cambridge (Mass.) et Londres, mit Press, 1980. 259 + xviii p., 204 illus., $25.00