RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne
Canadian Art Review

Volume 4, Number 2, 1977

Table of contents (20 articles)



Expositions / Exhibitions

Livres / Books

  1. Pierre Théberge, Guido Molinari. Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, 1976. 160 pp., illus. ,$17.50 (paper) / Terry Fenton, Jack Bush: A Retrospective. Toronto, Yorkville Press and Art Gallery of Ontario, 1976. Unpaginated, illus., $9.95 (paper)
  2. Nancy J. Dunbar, compiler, introduction by Hugh MacLennan, Images of Sport in Early Canada/Images du sport dans le Canada d’autrefois. Montreal, McCord Museum and McGill-Queen's University Press, 1976. 96 pp., 126 illus., $14.95 (cloth), $7.50 (paper)
  3. Paul Jordan, Egypt: The Black Land. London, Phaidon Press, 1976. 207 pp., 116 illus., £3.50 (paper)
  4. Gabriel Millet, L’école grecque dans l’architecture byzantine, Préface d’André Grabar. Londres, Variorum Reprints, 1974 (réimpression de l’édition de 1916, Paris). 329 + xxviii pp., 146 illus., $45.00
  5. Jaroslav Folda, Crusader Manuscript Illumination at Saint-Jean d’Acre, 1275—1291. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1976. 231 + xxix pp., 299 illus., $35.00
  6. Herschel Levit, Views of Rome, Then and Now: 41 Etchings by Giovanni Battista Piranesi and Corresponding Photographs and Text by Herschel Levit. New York, Dover, 1976. xxvi pp., 82 illus., $6.00 (paper)
  7. Georges B. Tatum, Philadelphia Georgian: The City House of Samuel Powel and Some of its Eighteenth-Century Neighbors, Photographs by Cortland and Van Dyke Hubbard, Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan University Press, 1976. 187 + xvii pp., 65 illus., $17.50
  8. Jean Lipman and Helen M. Franc, Introduction by John I.H. Baur, Bright Stars: American Painting and Sculpture since 1776. New York, E.P. Dutton, 1976. 150 illus., $40.25
  9. Whitney Museum of America Art, 200 Years of American Sculpture. Boston, David R. Godine, 1976. 332 pp., over 500 illus., $35.00
  10. Ann Falkner, Without Our Past? Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1977. 242 pp., 69 illus., $15.00 (cloth), $5.00 (paper)
  11. Ladislav Matejka and Irwin R. Titunik, eds., Semiotics of Art: Prague School Contributions. Cambridge, Mass., mit Press, 1976. 298 + xxi pp., $17.95
  1. Livres communiqués / Books Received

Acquisitions principales / Principal Acquisitions

Supplément / Supplement

  1. Mont-Royal, Montréal / Mount Royal, Montreal

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