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du Prey, Pierre. "Desmond Guinness and Julius Trousdale Sadler, Jr., Palladio a Western Progress, New York: Viking, 1976, 184 p., illus., $17.95 / Walter Muir Whitehill and Frederick Doveton Nichols, Palladio in America, Milan: Electa, 1976, 128 p., illus., $9.50." RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, volume 3, number 2, 1976, p. 101–102.
du Prey, P. (1976). Review of [Desmond Guinness and Julius Trousdale Sadler, Jr., Palladio a Western Progress, New York: Viking, 1976, 184 p., illus., $17.95 / Walter Muir Whitehill and Frederick Doveton Nichols, Palladio in America, Milan: Electa, 1976, 128 p., illus., $9.50]. RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 3(2), 101–102.
- Chicago
du Prey, Pierre "Desmond Guinness and Julius Trousdale Sadler, Jr., Palladio a Western Progress, New York: Viking, 1976, 184 p., illus., $17.95 / Walter Muir Whitehill and Frederick Doveton Nichols, Palladio in America, Milan: Electa, 1976, 128 p., illus., $9.50". RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 3, no. 2 (1976) : 101–102.
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