Comptes rendus

D’Entremont, Laurent. Stories to Remember, 4 v., Pubnico, N.-É., Two Acres Publications, 2005-2012 : vol. 1 : A Collection of timeless stories by a long-time storyteller, ISBN 978-0-969-3432-2-1 ; vol. 2 : More timeless Stories by a long-time storyteller, ISBN 978-0-969-3432-3-3 ; vol. 3 : More timeless Stories by a long-time storyteller, ISBN 978-0-969-3432-4-0 ; vol. 4 : Footsteps in the night. More timeless Stories by a long-time storyteller, ISBN 978-0-969-3432-5-7

  • Carmen d’Entremont

…more information

  • Carmen d’Entremont
    Université Sainte-Anne

Cover of Volume 12, 2014, pp. 7-362, Rabaska

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