
Volume 78, Number 1, 1997

Table of contents (5 articles)

  1. Resistance to thiabendazole in Fusarium species and Helminthosporium solani in potato tubers treated commercially in eastern Canada
  2. Measure of agreement between experts on apple damage assessment
  3. Occurrence of the orange wheat blossom midge [Diptera :Cecidomyiidae] in Quebec and its incidence on wheat grain microflora / Présence de la cécidomyie orangée du blé [Diptera :Cecidomyiidae] au Québec et son incidence sur la microflore des grains de blé
  4. Factors affecting regeneration from root fragments in two Physalis species
  5. Plant bed treatment with 1,3-dichloropropene for Meloidogyne hapla control in carrots grown in organic soil

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