
Managing editor(s): Mitia Rioux-Beaulne (Directeur) / Editor(s): Marie-Hélène Desmeules (Directrice adjointe), Laetitia Monteils-Laeng (Trésorerie), Thibault Tranchant (Coresponsable des comptes rendus et études critiques), Alexis Lafleur-Paiement (Assistant à la direction), Anne-Marie Boisvert (Coresponsable des comptes rendus et études critiques)



A semi-annual founded in 1974 by Yvon Lafrance (University of Ottawa), Philosophiques has, since January 1, 1977, been the official organ of the Société de philosophie du Québec. The journal publishes articles that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in all areas of philosophy and philosophy history and are selected strictly on the basis of quality. Promoting no one school, doctrine or methodology, Philosophiques is devoted solely to encouraging philosophical research. It also publishes critical studies and summaries of recently published philosophical works.


  • Bulletin signalétique
  • Répertoire bibliographique de la philosophie
  • L’Année philologique
  • Repère
  • The Philosopher’s Index
  • IBZ
  • IBR
  • INIST (Francis)
  • Google (général)
  • Google Scholar
  • Persée


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Back issues (101 issues)

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Editorial policy and ethics

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