Canadian journal of library and information practice and research
Revue canadienne de la pratique et de la recherche en bibliothéconomie et sciences de l’information

Volume 16, Number 1, 2021 Special Issue on Libraries and the Pandemic Numéro spécial sur les bibliothèques et la pandémie

Table of contents (18 articles)

Editor's Comments / Commentaires de la rédactrice

  1. Libraries and the Pandemic: From the Editors

Theory and Research / Théorie et recherche

  1. What is a Library Website, Anyway? Reconsidering Dominant Conceptual Models
  2. Canadian Librarianship and the Politics of Recognition
  3. The Emotional Labour of Public Library Work
  4. Employment Negotiation Behaviours of Canadian Academic Librarians: An Exploratory Study
  5. Connections Beyond Campus: Ontario University Library Outreach Programs for High Schools

Innovations in Practice / Innovations en pratique

  1. Promoting a culture of openness: Institutional open access policy development and review at a Canadian university
  2. Opening up Educational Practices through Faculty, Librarian, and Student Collaboration in OER Creation: Moving from Labor-intensive to Supervisory Involvement

Features / En vedette

  1. Information Literacy Instruction during COVID-19
  2. Data in the Time of COVID-19: How Data Library Professionals Helped Combat the Pandemic
  3. Into the Unknown: Onboarding Early Career Professionals in a Remote Work Environment
  4. From Bricks and Mortar to Bits and Bytes: Examining the Changing State of Reference Services at the University of Toronto Libraries During COVID-19
  5. Not Virtual Enough: A Virtual Library’s Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  6. Manitoba Public Libraries Response to the Early Stages of COVID-19
  7. Canadian Librarians as Research Ethics Board Members: An Exploratory Case Study
  8. Lists of Opportunities: My Experience as a School Librarian During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  9. La formation documentaire en temps de pandémie : les webinaires matinaux

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus


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