Two genealogists, Cozy Palmer in Dallas, Texas and Mike Kehoe in Richmond, Utah, unbeknownst to each other, were simultaneously researching the family of John Berry who fought and was captured at the Battle of the Windmill in 1838 and were not making much progress. Together, their research has led to a better understanding of the life of John Berry prior to his involvement in the Patriot War and to the discovery of the life that John Berry could have had if it were not for his involvement in the conflict.
Deux généalogistes, Cozy Palmer à Dallas (Texas) et Mike Kehoe à Richmond (Utah), menaient simultanément, à leur insu, des recherches sur la famille de John Berry, qui a combattu et a été capturé lors de la bataille du Moulin à vent en 1838, et n’avançaient guère. Ensemble, leurs recherches ont permis de mieux comprendre la vie de John Berry avant son engagement dans la guerre des Patriotes et de découvrir la vie que John Berry aurait pu avoir s’il n’avait pas été impliqué dans le conflit.