Colonel W.W. Dodge, an American citizen in the Canadian Rebellion.was among the crew of a schooner captured by Canadian militia off Fort Malden on the Detroit River. He was wounded, imprisoned at Fort Malden, Toronto and Quebec in succession, and made a daring escape from the latter location with Dr. Edward A. Theller. One or two of his letters, written while incarcerated in Canada, were published in a few newspapers at the time, but now new letters have been found. These documents, which are presented here, enhance our understanding of the Patriot War.
Le colonel W.W. Dodge, citoyen américain engagé dans la rébellion canadienne, fait partie de l’équipage d’une goélette capturée par la milice canadienne au large de Fort Malden, sur la rivière Détroit. Blessé, il est emprisonné successivement à Fort Malden, à Toronto et à Québec, d’où il s’évade audacieusement avec le docteur Edward A. Theller. Une ou deux de ses lettres, écrites lors de son incarcération au Canada, ont été publiées dans quelques journaux de l’époque, mais de nouvelles lettres ont été retrouvées. Ces documents, qui sont présentés ici, nous permettent de mieux comprendre la guerre des Patriotes.
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Biographical note
Robert Beasecker is the Curator of Rare Books and Distinguished Collections. at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan. He is responsible for purchasing and cataloging books, correspondence, ephemera and other materials that fit into the Special Collections areas of interest. He lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Bibliography and Recommended Reading
- Beasecker, Robert, John C. Carter, and Chris Raible, eds. “W.W. Dodge’s Letter from the Toronto Gaol, April 29, 1838,” The York Pioneer, 116 (2021).Blois, John T. Gazetteer of the State of Michigan…. (Detroit: Sydney L. Rood & Co.; New York: Robinson, Pratt and Co.), 1838.
- Brophy, Stephen B. “Colonels Brophy and Dodge in Iowa,” Mackenzie’s Gazette, 2:89 (25 January 1840).
- Bulkley, John McClelland. History of Monroe County, Michigan: A Narrative Account of Its Historical Progress, Its People, and Its Principal Interests (Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co., 1913), 2 vols.
- The Caroline Almanack, and American Freeman’s Chronicle, for 1840 (Rochester, N.Y.: Mackenzie’s Gazette Office), 1839, https://archive.org/details/carolinealmanack00mack/page/4/mode/2up.
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography (Toronto: University of Toronto; Québec: Université Laval, 2003).
- Genealogical and Biographical Record of New London County, Connecticut…. (Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co., 1905).
- History of Washington County, Ohio; with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches [Cleveland, Ohio] (H.Z. Williams & Bro., 1881).
- LeMoine, James MacPherson. Picturesque Quebec: A Sequel to Quebec Past and Present (Montreal: Dawson Brothers, 1882).
- Lindsey, Charles. Life and Times of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie. With an Account of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837, and the Subsequent Frontier Disturbances, Chiefly from Unpublished Documents (Toronto: P.R. Randall, 1862), 2 vols.
- Mackenzie’s Gazette. New York and Rochester, N.Y. Weekly. 1838-1840. Title varies, https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=D03iK_w7-QYC&dat=18390824&b_mode=2&hl=en.
- Dr. Charles Osgood Papers (RHC-185). Special Collections and University Archives, Grand Valley State University Libraries, Allendale, Michigan, https://gvsu.lyrasistechnology.org/repositories/2/resources/789.
- Ross, Robert B. “The Patriot War,” Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections, 21 (1892), 509-609.
- Theller, Edward A. Canada in 1837-38: Showing, by Historical Facts, the Causes of the Late Attempted Revolution, and of Its Failure; the Present Condition of the People, and Their Future Prospects; together with the Personal Adventures of the Author, and Others Who Were Connected with the Revolution (Philadelphia: Henry F. Anners; New York: J. & H.G. Langley, 184), 2 vols.
- Theller, Edward A. “Escape of General Theller and Colonel Dodge from Queen Victoria’s Fortress, at Quebec.” Mackenzie’s Gazette, 1:28 (17 November 1838), 221.
- U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. American Citizens—Prisoners in Van Dieman’s Land. 27th Cong., 1st sess., 1841, H. Doc. 39.
- Wing, George W. “The Wing Family of America” The Owl: A Genealogical Quarterly Magazine, 19 (March 1918), 1736-61.
- Wing, Talcott Enoch, ed. History of Monroe County, Michigan (New York: Munsell & Co., 1890).