Ottawa Law Review
Revue de droit d’Ottawa

Volume 55, Number 1, 2023–2024

Table of contents (6 articles)

  1. Allocution du juge McKinnon : Intronisation à la Société honorifique de common law
  2. Speech of Justice McKinnon: Induction Into the Common Law Honour Society
  3. Mixing Oil and Water? Redrawing the Limits of Contract Freedom After the Criminalization of Usury
  4. Eliminating Guilt by Association: Reviewing the Limits of Ezokola in Canadian Refugee Law Complicity Decision‑Making (2013–2020)
  5. Considérations sur l’équité en matière de pertes et préjudices
  6. Mediator Liability 23 Years Later: The “Three C’s” of Case Law, Codes, & Custom

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