Ottawa Law Review Revue de droit d’Ottawa

Managing editor(s): Stéphanie Moreau (Administration), Jacob Graff (Articles français | French Articles), Alexandra Son (Articles anglais | English Articles)


The Ottawa Law Review (OLR) is a bilingual and peer-reviewed academic journal published by the students of the Common Law Section at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law. Since its foundation in 1966, the OLR has contributed to legal research and scholarship on current and relevant legal issues through the publication of articles, case comments, and book reviews by jurists, practitioners, and academics. The journal also publishes interviews and podcasts featuring distinguished members of the legal profession and encourages law students to submit blog posts on contemporary legal issues on a rolling basis. The OLR’s distinct reputation has resulted in its articles being cited by a number of Canadian courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada.


Revue de droit d'Ottawa
Faculté de droit, Section de common law
Université d'Ottawa

Fauteux Hall, Room 509
57 Louis-Pasteur Private
Ottawa (Ontario)  K1N 6N5

Tel.: (613) 562-5800, ext. 3293

Print issues are available for purchase on Irwin Law's website.

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Back issues (6 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Copyright and Distribution
The Ottawa Law Review is entirely open access. Issues published since our founding in 1966 are available, for free, to the general public on our website and can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, or searched without financial, legal, or technical barriers.

The Ottawa Law Review considers submissions anonymously, without regard to the author’s identity, institutional affiliation, prior publications, credentials, or previous submissions. The Editors-in-Chief (Articles) and Submissions Manager are the only members of the Editorial Board who has knowledge of the identity of the author. Neither the assessors nor the other Editorial Board members have knowledge of the author’s identity during the evaluation process.

It is each author’s responsibility to comply with the University of Ottawa’s policy on academic fraud. The Ottawa Law Review strictly adheres to this policy.

Evaluation Process
The Ottawa Law Review obtains a minimum of two independent assessments from peer-reviewers who have expertise on the legal topic before the Editorial Board considers a submission for publication. In addition to style, organization, persuasiveness, coherence, conciseness, clarity, etc., the substance of the submission is evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Does the piece contain a clear idea or argument as its thesis?
  • Does the piece seriously consider opposing arguments?
  • Does the piece make a significant contribution to existing literature in the field?
  • Is the idea or argument discussed in a novel manner?
  • Are the supporting citations current, thorough, and accurate?
  • Does the piece lay a foundation for further debate?
  • Is the subject of the piece relevant to the legal community?

Information for contributors

To submit a piece or to learn more about our submission requirements, please visit our website.

Editorial board

Volume 56 (2024-2025)

Editorial Board

Faculty Advisors
Professor Yan Campagnolo
Professor Kyle Kirkup

Stéphanie Moreau | Editor-in-Chief, Administration
Jacob Graff | Editor-in-Chief, French Articles
Alexandra Son | Editor-in-Chief, English Articles

Senior Editors
Ethan Roger Dubeau | Executive Editor, French
Delaney Campbell | Executive Editor, English
Emily Naveenan | Submissions Manager, French
Mallory Dunlop | Submissions Manager, English
Shivana Maguire | Human Resources Manager
Kristina Schmuttermeier | Business Manager
Amber Leblanc | Communications Manager
Emma Murray | Special Projects Manager
Emily Chu | Online Manager, Blog
Honora Nedwidek | Online Manager, Podcast
Alexandra Peacock | Research Colloquium Manager
Sasha Langdon | Academic and Professional Development Manager