- counter-narrative,
- narrative theory,
- politics,
- double hermeneutics,
- illocutionary force
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Biographical notes
Matti Hyvärinen, PhD, is a Research Director at the Tampere Universityin Finland. As a sociologist and political scientist by education, he hasstudied the conceptual history of narrative, master and counter narratives,and the narrative turns. He is the co-editor of the volumes The TravellingConcepts of Narrative (Benjamins 2013), and Beyond Narrative Coherence,(Benjamins 2010). He serves as an Editorial Board member in NarrativeInquiry and Narrative Works and has been the PI in the Academy of FinlandResearch Project Voices of Democracy.
Samuli Björninen is postdoctoral researcher and adjunct professor innarrative theory at the University of Turku, Finland. His postdoctoral research, primarily conducted at Tampere University, Finland, and AarhusUniversity, Denmark, has focused on developing story-critical methods forinterdisciplinary narrative studies and theorizing the rhetorical use offactuality across narrative genres. His work has appeared in journals suchas Narrative, Narrative Inquiry, and Partial Answers. He is co-editor of therecent volume Dangers of Narrative and Fictionality: A RhetoricalApproach to Storytelling in Contemporary Western Culture, published in2024 by Peter Lang, and the Partial Answers special issue “Limits ofNarrative” published in 2022.
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