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Sharpe, Christopher A. "" arouse our city from its deathlike apathy, from its reproachable lethargy, from its slumber of industrial and social death." The 1939 St. John's Municipal Housing Scheme." Newfoundland Studies, volume 16, number 1, spring 2000, p. 47–66.
Sharpe, C. A. (2000). " arouse our city from its deathlike apathy, from its reproachable lethargy, from its slumber of industrial and social death." The 1939 St. John's Municipal Housing Scheme. Newfoundland Studies, 16(1), 47–66.
- Chicago
Sharpe, Christopher A. "" arouse our city from its deathlike apathy, from its reproachable lethargy, from its slumber of industrial and social death." The 1939 St. John's Municipal Housing Scheme". Newfoundland Studies 16, no. 1 (2000) : 47–66.
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