New Explorations Studies in Culture and Communications

Editor(s): Robert K Logan (Editor)


The New Explorations: Studies in Culture and Communication journal project is inspired by the original journal Explorations: Studies in Culture and Communication edited by Edmund Carpenter and Marshall McLuhan from 1953 to 1972. Just as the founders of Explorations were focused on the new electric technologies of their times, primarily television and mainframe computers, our focus is on the new and emerging technologies of our times.

Our approach to these studies is that of media ecology as developed by the Toronto School of Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan, and Ted Carpenter. We will study the impact of current media and make use of multimedia technologies to organize the activities of our open access online journal and project.

New Explorations, like the original Explorations, is designed as a publication that explores and searches and questions cutting across the humanities and social sciences.


Back issues (4 issues)

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