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Chiasson-LeBel, Thomas. "John Perkins, The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 2e edition, Oakland (Calif.), Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2016." Nouveaux Cahiers du socialisme, number 18, fall 2017, p. 244–247.
Chiasson-LeBel, T. (2017). Review of [John Perkins, The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 2e edition, Oakland (Calif.), Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2016]. Nouveaux Cahiers du socialisme, (18), 244–247.
- Chicago
Chiasson-LeBel, Thomas "John Perkins, The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 2e edition, Oakland (Calif.), Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2016". Nouveaux Cahiers du socialisme no. 18 (2017) : 244–247.
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