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Alexis, Gérald, et al. "Essai." Nuit blanche, magazine littéraire, number 139, summer 2015, p. 52–59.
Alexis, G., Baril, G., Beaumier, G., Beaumier, J.-P., Bélanger, G., Belu, F., Bergeron, P., Bissonnette, T., Bourneuf, R., Cliche, Y., Hudon, J.-G., Laberge, Y., Laplante, L., Laporte, D., Lonergan, D., Nareau, M., Peterson, M., Pilote, M.-È., Poulin, Y., Rajotte, P. & Simoneau, M. (2015). Review of [Essai]. Nuit blanche, magazine littéraire, (139), 52–59.
- Chicago
Alexis, Gérald, Baril, Gérald, Beaumier, Guillaume, Beaumier, Jean-Paul, Bélanger, Gaétan, Belu, Françoise, Bergeron, Patrick, Bissonnette, Thierry, Bourneuf, Roland, Cliche, Yvan, Hudon, Jean-Guy, Laberge, Yves, Laplante, Laurent, Laporte, David, Lonergan, David, Nareau, Michel, Peterson, Michel, Pilote, Marie-Ève, Poulin, Yvon, Rajotte, Pierre and Simoneau, Mathieu "Essai". Nuit blanche, magazine littéraire no. 139 (2015) : 52–59.
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